Did anyone use to mod halo 2. I did, Not to cheat in matchmaking though, I had a separate xbox. My modded xbox only ever went on Xlink or XBC. It was funny to enter games and walk up walls then kids going "wtf omg we got spider man in our game", It was awesome too, because in a public lobby you couldn't get booted. No flaming please
Well, duh. But never online. Even if it's just for a custom game, it's still dumb. But I had a ton of cool mods I got, as well as a few of my own fail attempts. My favorite was a map with a bunch of Zanzibar wheels spinning in the air, and you had to jump from each one to move.
Halo 2 modding was fun. I once made my BR fire Plasma grenades that only stopped moving when it hit something. And my Plasma Pistol when over charged shot out a bus. And instead of a Frag grenade it threw out and exact clone of me. Loved confusing snipers with that one. Only in private parties through XBC though with other people that had Modded Xbox's so it didn't give anyone an unfair advantage.
I loved the killtrocity map pack for modded halo 2. It was fun to play coagulation on the moon with jet packs
Eh, I kinda thought the Killtrocity map pack had some pretty dumb stuff in there. Another cool mod was the gravity gun. The airstrike gun as well. Hm. Can't really remember all of them.
I wanted to start but never went to buy the game to soft mod my box. I did play on a few though. It was fun for a bit but got old fast.
I never modded but they only one that I really liked was on containment, this guy made a huge warthog racetrack in the sky outside of the map and he had like 20 warthogs. It was pretyy sweet.
I softmodded my xbox when I got my 360. It was fun for a while, then I tried modding myself and I screwed everything up.
I modded Halo 2 for about 2 years. I made many of those classic racetracks outside of containment, made mach-mods (where you make a new map out of machines and scenery from other maps), BSP conversions (taking a campaign map and putting it in multiplayer), and skinning (changing textures/ environment). It was fun and I learned alot about how a game works. Too bad the Halo 2 modding community is mostly dead. BTW I never modded on xbox live or made cheating mods.
I never owned an Xbox or Halo 2 so I couldn't mod, but if I had had an Xbox and Halo 2, you bet your ass I'd mod. It'd be hilarious. I wouldn't mod in Matchmaking though....well maybe a little for the lawlz.
Modding on an xbox was so easy because there where so many exploits. After a while it got to easy to be able to crack xbox codes so even people with little experience could do it. I, Myself found it quite easy to mod halo 2 after a day or so.