After watching some MLG R6V2 I thought their version of territories took a lot of teamwork and good stragities to play. I was wondering what the halo community thought about the use of territories in MLG halo. I have created a map and gametype for it already, if you would like to download it click here. The map is called MLG Killhouse. Please tell me what you think about it. I was thinking that the gametype should be setup with: -3 territories -4 min time -3+ rounds -3 captured territories wins the round or team with 2 when time expires -15 second time to capture territory -10 second spawn time -non-locking territories (can be recaptured) I just posted the map with the gametype on forge hub. check it out
I don't know about a custom map supporting it, but I've thought for a while that a MLG Territories would be a great idea. Imagine maybe 10-15 second capture time, BR starts, same basic traits, no one has them at start, and they never lock. It would involve a lot of movement and teamwork and would be very fast-paced. Guardian and Amp maybe?
It would definitely be hard to get the time perfect, it can't be too low or too high. I think 10-15 is definitely a good time to start with, but it might be different for different maps just like how on Onslaught and Narrows you can recover the flag in 3 seconds, but on the Pit you can't and it auto resets itself. I think the Pit, Guardian, Construct, and maybe Epilogue would play territories pretty well because they're pretty big and it would definitely require a lot of movement and teamwork.
Lol, something else I was thinking about, Epilogue, along with Guardian, could really spark MLG Asymmetry. Why not some intense version of MLG One Flag for Epilogue? Eh, it's a stretch, and there are lots of details MLG would need to work out, but there's some substance there.
It wouldn't be bad, but Keep in mind that they only keep 11 gametype/map combinations. Adding territories would take away some slayer, flag, or hill. While territories wouldn't be bad, those three are better and will probobly never get rid of.
Well, Build an MLG map and gametype specifically designed for MLG territories and test it thoroughly, I might enjoy some MLG territories. Recommend it at the next TGIF.
Back int he hardcore playlist, which was kinda sorts similar to MLG, land grab was supported on most of the maps. So it could probably be done in MLG. It would probably be more along the lines of conquest though.
I think Ghost Town would play good with territories, having each of the four corners be their own territory (taking up the whole corner, meaning at all times during the game you are in a territory), and then having a 5th one in the middle room. It would be a big game of king of the hill. I don't think it should have rounds though, just maybe be a long game of land grab. So even if you're down 4-1 with a minute left, you can still come back.
I like it, I think the idea would work well: comparable to oddball in Team Work. I guess oddball replaced it when Halo 3 came out. I think the same happened to Assault because of CTF.
The reason assault isn't added is because it doesn't always tell you if the other team is arming the bomb. I don't know why it does that but it does.
Seeing that I am a huge MLG fan and also a general, I am going to give an honest opinion here. I think that from personal experience, territories would be pointless in MLG. There are currently four types of MLG game variants: Capture the Flag, Team Slayer, Oddball (Guardian only), King of the Hill. Territories would essentially be like having multiple hills all at once. That is like saying instead of playing oddball with one ball, let's play with three balls. It's just plain pointless. Don't get me wrong, territories is a very fun gametype, but the gameplay would just be too hectic for MLG. I think that the current MLG settings are great, and in reality I highly doubt that the Pro Circuit would consider putting in a MLG Territories variant.
I was thinking to have it setup like the RSV2 game, where you have to capture all three territories to win or hold two when time expires. I agree with you that if you got points for each second you controled a territory would be exactly like hill and pointless but the way i was thinking of it would be a completely different gametype then any of the others in use.
I don't think MLG would have territories, simply because its not a fast paced game. The actual time itself goes quick. But if a couple of people sit at a territory on their side of the map, that is not fast. It may only get fast when people are going for the middle territories. So, i don't think it would really work.
That's when you're playing with ARs. The maps would be forged to be played the best they can, and the cap times would probably be pretty short.
I really don't think Territories will suit the MLG Gametypes very well for the following reasons; 1. If there 3 Territories that are needed to be controlled, you cannot get any type of setup going. And setup is one of the key essential things that make MLG what it is. 2. The new rounds will break up the setup of one Team, and give the opposing Team another chance, thus meaning the game is segmented slowing down the gameplay. 3.If there are 3 Terriroties, it will require for 2+ Territories controlled to win, thus making it yet again a slower game, and will require 1/2 to be mostly be inactive in the Territory. 4. It will make it very easy to allow an uprising of losing oposing Team, as 1/2 your Team is in the Hill, thus you will be facing either all 4 members rushing you trying to destyoy your setup. Or atleast 3 memeber rushing you, while the other one starts gathering hill time. Although I am not fully doubting this idea, I really want to play a game useing this gametype and see how it plays out. What I have stated above are just theories, and are most likely not going to happen in the actual game.