Thanks guys haha it took me like 4 days. Scorpulus wouldn't stop bugging me about the dualtage so it kinda got delayed a bit.
I recall this map in a very early stage. It's come quite a long way. Its quite a small map, as you've become accustomed to in my mind, but it feels a little bigger than it is due to the multileveledness. The main shots of the center are beautiful I dont get to actually play halo much anymore, but ill get a game in on this one.
This map does look very impressive, and the layout design reminds me of a more vertically focused Electric Slide, which is a good thing. Your forging seems very precise at the bottom center of the map...I wonder how long it took you to get that little hole in the ground to look perfect. Nice work.
Bout an hour and a half. I was originally gonna make this map a mini game sorta but it ended up being an actual map lol. Oh silence. That one map you saw me working on got deleted.. you are the only person who knows of it's existence lol. I'll try to re-create it.