There's not too much special about this map. I just wanted to make an MLG map on Rats Nest. Note: There are certain aspects to the map that aren't very "MLG" For instance, the Forklifts. They are movable and exploadable. But I had to use those to accommodate the limitations of Rats Nest. WEAPONS: Probably about 14 BR's Mauler x1 Sniper x2 Plasma Pistol x1 Stickes x6 (Two at each base, two in the middle box) Red Base The Middle of the map Middle Boxes Sniper Spawns same for both sides Picking up the mauler Enjoy! **Reccomended for 1v1 or 2v2. Spawns are somewhat spawnkillable but I tried to make them not-so.** Works for Slayer and CTF.
Umm, first of all your pics aren't working, so check on that first. Second even though I can't see it, I don't think an MLG map on rats nest work, just to tell you, with what you have to work with. But who knows, it could be awesome, just get your pics and ill rate
Damn, pics were working earlier. EDIT: Sorry, no pictures. They aren't even working on and I can't fix them right now.
I can see that you tried to embed your pictures by copying and pasting them. YOu have to save the pictures to your computer than upload them through photobucket. Once done paste the url of the image in [img ][/img ] tags without the spaces.
The average person releasing a map here usually puts anywhere from 10-80 hours into there creations on average(MLG Amplified by Fritzster claimed over 800 hours). Alot of us spend 2 hours on one double box. Basically what i'm saying is try to put some real time/effort/thought into your maps instead of making one and posting it cause you can.
I really wish that i could see some pics I've often found myselfthinking about a MLG map on rats nest
Well, don't be so stuck up. You haven't seen the map or played it. It has merging, it has levitation. It has planning. Its just a smaller map. Thats why it doesn't take 900000 hours to make. Don't say things like that unless you've seen it. Play it, and I think you'll take that back.
Nice Pics (Sarcasim) I will download the map to see what it's like, it sounds, ok, but I will have to see. PS. No Download link.
I'm not being stuck up, i'm being honest. I haven't seen the map and neither has anyone else because your pictures don't work and you don't even have a link to download the map. I don't understand why this thread hasn't been locked yet. What are all the mods doing? BTW, what do you mean by it has "levitation"? Does that mean it has alot of grav lifts on the map? I don't get it.
Dude, when I was Rats Nest, I was like "lolwut!" but then I saw it, and you actually had a good idea. You just got lazy
We want pics! Please insert the pics so I can see the map. Also, put in a download link too. I will come back and rate this map when you fix it.
thread locked. when you get your pictures working and hosted on a site like or photobucket, you may repost your map