WOW! I'm surprised how leaked this map was. Everyone had it but no one said anything, my gawd. Let me put it this way, folks. If you only ever download and play one Halo 3 Foundry Variant, make it Grindstone. It plays beautifully. In actual fact, it'd be hard to copy or make something really similar to this. It's incredibly unique, everything in the map connects and flows so beautifully, everything serves a purpose. If one structure was altered, as was the rest of the map. Just download it, play it, love it.
yeah i like this I couldn't see the pictures because there not working for me, i dont know why. But i did see the video and it deserves a 5/5 and a dl from me
wow, finally its done. I remember play testing with you. It was great then. Ill make sure to check this final version out.
Wow, a very impressive map you have here. You put a lot of time into making this balanced. The way you showed how to use cover is what makes this level competitive. Great map, I liked the man cannon lift a lot. Keep up the great maps you guys. I'll subscribe and download soon. EDIT: I played this last night and its AWESOME! No kidding, the interlocking and geomerging are just so good it blows my mind. That geomerging in the back left of the map is so awesome =D
*Gasp* Just from this video, this looks amazing. I can't wait to check this out. (As soon as I get my Xbox back.... *Sad face*.)
This map looks absolutely amazing. It has an interesting layout and beautiful geometry. The map seems great for 2v2 and just the right size. The video was nicely made and showed off a lot of the map, great job on that. Some of those snipes and noscopes were pretty nice too.
Hey, I'm new here but i am a forge fanatic. Could anyone give me any good pointers to the best maps created here?
The pics do not work for me, either. To the map: I loved it. Awesome aesthetics. Everything fits together well and flows. Lines of sight are limited, which I like, and There are several ways to get to every area. I have yet to get a game on it, but it seems to have great gameplay potential. BUT... it is breakable, which seemed odd to me since it is featured, and in a tourney... On the highest ground in the map (the tower up from Active Camo), you can grenade jump from the wall (the one that protudes from the floor to provide cover when crouching) to the double wall in between some boxes. From there you can grenade jump up on top of the boxes and then go anywhere.
Strange. The pictures work just fine for me. I don't know what everyone's problem is. So you must execute TWO grenade jumps. I think that'd be impossible to achieve in game unless you're playing with no one.
Why would you want to escape from a map in the tourney when you're so close to the grand final? Teams that escape maps on purpose will be eliminated.
Oh my god, im just saying that the map can be broken, which you people make a big deal about for anyone that isnt a higher up on forgehub. So, try to not be exclusive here. To Linubidix: Umm, sure OR you could kill the opposing couple, then jump up there. Its not that hard. To J A Y: Sure, this is assuming that the map is just going to be used for the tourney. Is that true? You are going to ban the map afterwards? No...
Your ramblings confuse me. Everyone takes someone breaking their map seriously, not just the staff. I don't know what you meant by the exclusive comment. Sure, but once you've wiped out your team you must wait for your sheilds to regain. Then execute a grenade jump. Then wait for your sheilds to respawn again and do another grenade jump. In all that time, I think your enemies could easily just BR you after they've respawned. You're taking what we're saying way too serioisly.
Thanks Shaddo, I'll be sure to take that under consideration when we update the map for the Atlas submission. We actually did know about that break and some other potential ones, but since we arr on a budget it just isn't possible to accomidate all breaks. This, however, is an issue we will address when we update it. When we do, we will also open Grindstone up to a wider array of gametypes. Also I'm not sure about the pics, imageshack is the image uploader I used, maybe that's the problem or it could be your web browser. But, if the vid worked then you saw most of the map anyways. As for the staff, don't over-react it isn't a big deal, he isn't here to flame it.
You seriously confuse me... First you say that it's used in a tourney and that you can break out. I state a rule saying that you can't get out and you think I think it's only for the tourney. Just to let you know it wasn't directed at you, there is a big community that ruin maps by getting out of them... What's the point of doing it? I'll never know.. Shadow, Ivory and I fixed one break... and there is more?!?
I think there's too much emphasis being put on map breakage. Why would a map be 'banned' because it's breakable? Most of the featured maps (and I'd guess the majority of the non-featured ones) are breakable, as shown so awesomely by Buddahcrane. It doesn't degrade the maps' overall gameplay unless you like to play with people who are pansy-ass "ooh, I'll protect my 1 point lead by hiding for the next 5 minutes" type. If you like to play maps like these competitively, then hiding or breaking a map shouldn't be considered; only your enemies ultimate demise.
Very well put Squid... I have never understood why people like to break maps. Yes it does need fixing if you can break it within a minute of game time. But honestly I don't think I could be bothered trying to break a map that could take me a few hours to do.