Hey guys, it's ZANDER. Me and Pjfan just finished a new map, and were wondering if one of you guys could capture the videos for us. Gamevee grab is gone again, which was what we were planning on using to capture it. So, if you'd like to make a montage of the map, or even just capture the essential video that is in the film, please post or pm me. The link to the files are below, if your the picky type. One is oddball, and the other is slayer. We haven't named the map either so if you would like to suggest one, please do. Thankyou. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Couldn't you just record the clips? I flew through the map a few times in game, and recorded the parts I wanted in the video. It has all the material I need to make a montage.
I'd be happy to. Might take a while but I love making use of my capture card and video editing. Magnificent hobby. ----------------------- Send me your file share links to GT: Ender Gamma