For a single box, I just put it down. Brace it with teleporters. Put three doors on top. Grab the box. Then quickly save and quit. It comes out very clean and never a failure yet.
Which ever method I believe will achieve the best results in a given situation. Door method works for most times Until you need a row of boxes all sunk into the ground the exact same amount. Then the old method works best.
Well unless I want it really far down, I usually just use the door method. But I put a bridge on top so there is less of a merge. For medium merges I still use the door method, but I load up with teleporters. And for extremely low geomerges, I just go oldschool. I place the item as high off the ground as I want the merge. Then I put another of the same item in the same spot. I load the two interlocked items up with teleporters, and just grab the bottem one. Then I just save and quit, reload, delete the item on top, and the lower one is there. There's a lot of differant ways to do crooked geomerges. I sometimes doo the door thing, but I know how to do it with fence walls as well.
In most cases I use the door method, although sometimes I use my own little variantions of each techniques. For braces I mostly use teleporters. When I have it set up, I grab it, save and quit. Geomerging is all about bracing.
I agree with linu on this one... I have to say that I almost always use doors and I can get them pretty damn deep.
After learning how to geomerge with fencewalls from MetallicSnake, I've been using it quite a lot....I even made a tut on how to do it... here:
Do you mean methods as in the objects you use, or the techniques? Me and Ivory will be making a guide in the next few days. It should describe about 4 or 5 newish techniques.
ALL of the above would be nice... just trying to get the community talking about it..BECAUSE I know almost nothing about Geomerging..and this topic is wAAAAYYYYYYYYY over
Yeah, I've watched them. And since, I've saved and quit after each merge no matter the technique used. In my current map Im working on, I got a fence box into the back alley. It actually serves a purpose, don't worry. I got it exactly(I'm not lieing, exactly how I pictured) where I wanted it to go. I did this via the door method. I set up the box outside of the alley, surrounded it in teleporters and used several doors to push it. Pushing it is the easy part. I speant a long time getting in the right position. I'd set up doors and teles inside of the alley as a guid for it to straighten up. After several games and a lot of time, I got to where I wanted it to be. ^was that the kind of thing you wanted?
Yeah ... I understand it ... I'm interested to hear some styles and things about Geomerging... ITs the new INTERLOCKING ...lets talk about how we do it guys...
i geomerge with doors using the save quit method. but when i have a really difficult angled merge i use the box spawn method. also my xbox is weird so sometimes it geomerges things perfectly by itself. lol
To push things onto Foundry's (retarded) walls I use doors to push something in. In all other cases I interlock a floating object with the pushed object at the exact level I want the merge. To keep merges a standard height throughout the map, I set up a standard measuring method. I will stack a specific number of walls, fence walls, dumpsters, and bridges and then place my pusher object on top. Then I can replicate the exact height anywhere else on the map by having written down that specific height measurement. Most often I use a single crate or dumpster's height to make a jump-up for example.
why dont you just check out forging 101. There really is no better method then the door save and quit.
im sure he ust wanted to know how people did it and if they do it the normal ways or different ways. also i learned you can geomerge with window panels too.