Which three for Cross-mas??

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Stoj, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    First off, I wanna say please don't reply with a 5 word answer or such.

    I have a choice of three games to get for christmas, and I've pretty much already decided on two.

    1. CoD4
    2. Gears2
    And 3, is the one I'm puzzled about.

    I love CoD4's immersive singleplayer and sometimes I just wanna give the Squad a handshake. The framerate seems substantially better than Halo as I was playing CoD4 and then went into halo and I was 'all liek,' whathafuk? (Don't know why'd I'd mention that, just thought I'd chuck it in.)

    Anyhooza, I did borrow cod4 off a mate and I love it and the multiplayer is great.

    I loved Gears1 (Finished campaign with a mate only just recently) and I've heard many great things about GoW2 so that's a defo. (Didn't really like the multi, but the playlists look irresistible now and horde? Woah.

    Now here comes the decision - it's a toss up between another three.

    CoD5: WaW?
    Fable 2?

    Now if you didnt mind, reckon you guys could write out a paragraph or two about which game I should get?

    [If you think there's an outside game, mention it and I'll certainly consider it providing you give a good description.]

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    CoD5 is a lot better than 4, all the balance issues are ironed out(less grenade spamming and better weapons), even though it is in WW2, it certainly doesn't feel like it; essentially it is a reskinned CoD4 expansion. Co-op and **** zombies(intense fun) give it the jump on CoD4. So, I'd replace CoD4 with 5. Out of Farcry, Fable and CoD4, I'd choose Farcry, nothing on a console can compare to its map maker, the campaign is probably up there with the best of 'em. If you're not convinced about CoD5, PM me and I'll go into detail.
  3. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    If I were you, I would choose CoD:WaW for it's campaign, multiplayer, and the huge variety of perks and guns. Sure, Far Cry 2 has it's insane map editor, but once you make it, you will most of the time have no one to play it with. As for GoW2, it already got boring for me, all it was good for was horde and it's campaign, but I must say that it was really fun at the time. I don't have anything to say about Fable 2, seeing how I don't have it.

    IMO, you should change up your list to:

    1.CoD:WaW for longlasting multiplayer, and campaign.
    2.Far Cry 2 for map editor when bored with other games, or do campaign.
    3.GoW 2 for campaign, and horde with friends.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Go with Gumby's response for the reasons he stated.

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    your third should be FC2
  6. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I don't really recommend any of the games you have listed for your third. I am biased about CoD though. I never liked that series. Far Cry is lacking in gameplay and games like Fable I've just never liked. I would recommend Banjo Kazooie. It's a lot of fun and making and using the vehicles is awesome. The story mode is fun too.
  7. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    If some of you guys didn't realise; no 5 words or less answers please. :(

    Other than that, HPM, I'll PM you about CoD5.

    And about FarCry; if it's mainly about the map editor that's so great about the game, then nahh, it's a no. I don't care about map editors and I surely don't want to get a game just for it.

    Gumby, that's a good list but I'm tossing up with FarCry, so we'll see what other people recommend.

    Matt..N&B is...strange.

    Wasn't BK a platformer? Now it's incredibly easy to get normal jiggies cause you can just fly. =/. I played the demo, thought it was fun for a bit but then got over it. Thanks anyways.
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Cod4? Really? Why? CoD4 is old, and generally overrated. Honestly, the multiplayer isn't too challenging, nor does it actually hold your interest longer than a month or two. It's hard to tell right now whether everyone will leave and go to 5, or go back to 4. I think it's WaW until the next IW cod.

    Gears...no worries, you will feel it's worth it.

    Third game. Hmm, I love FC but I don't play it. I just find with everything else out and I'm busy playing them, I can't be bothered play FC. Don't get me wrong, campaign is amazing and innovative, multiplayer is a mix of a few games (cod, battlefield and a bit of old school stuff), and honestly the map editor is the worst part of the game. And thats saying something, because its pretty damn good.

    CoD5..if you feel it's necessary to get a CoD game (which was once one of my favorite series, and has quickly gained much of my loathing do to it's shitty ****in community and annoying bandwaggon fans and 12 year olds..), than WaW is better than 4, because it's new..and multiplayer does feel slightly more balance. I've only played the beta, because I decided not to waste my money on it, and my preorder is still sitting at work lol.

    Fable, hmm if you are into the series, and you like RPGs is great. It's pretty much perfect if you aren't expecting it to be oblivion2. Though you could get fallout3 if you want oblivion2.

    Another game to consider is L4D. Left 4 Dead is pretty ****in sweet. College Coed, Nam vet, and zombies! Damn thats a mix. It's fun, it's furious, its challenging and has cool new and fresh multiplayer.

    Any it's your decision..but those are my thoughts.
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Im getting COD5 and or gears 2 for christmas which is a problem. If I cant get both I have to choose one. My good friends sais gears and the rest say COD5. At least if i get gears 2 i can stop getting 100 invites per hour for it.
  10. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    So Chrst, you're saying FC is great?

    This is my new list based on the reviews.

    1. Gears2 (Definitely)
    2. CoD5
    3. FC2?

    I'm still debating on FarCry.

    Is the multiplayer solid? Are you able to customize classes and such like CoD? After that paragraph about CoD4 Chrst, it's changed alot of things in my mind, because most of the stuff is very true. I can already see myself getting over CoD4. Whereas, if I have CoD5, I've got a WWII shooter, a future-shooter (Halo) and FC which is..modern-ish warfare?

    A reason why I wanted Fable is because it's something different. I wanted to pull away from shooters and such.

    Fallout3..it's an option...though I never quite got hold of how it works. It's like a shooter...but RPG? Wouldn't the game be really easy with the VATS at hand?
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    If you think you will play fable through a few times it's definitely worth it. I bought it, so far I only played once. It took me about two weeks, I play a lot for the first five days, but than just more casual after that. The game is honestly extremely good, though don't expect any challenge, it's not about that. The game is designed to make you feel like a mighty hero, and there isn't any real penalties for dying. Granted all walks of combat are super fun, you can mix and match or concentrate fully on one area. Weapons are great, but I find armor/clothes a bit lacking. It's always fun to mess in the love system, and the economy is great. You wanna be a dictator? A communist? Or a Democrat? It's all in your shop prices. The mini-sidequest are actually quite different and you'd be surprised at the changes one small quest can change your world forever. For instance, I invested some money into a quest and it made a certain town beautiful and rich, whereas my friend, rushing the game, didn't do the quest and his town stayed forever shitty. All in all, great game..can be played a couple times, not quite so much as Oblivion, and would be worth your money. It's not a challenge. Keep that in mind.

    Staying away from shooters? NFS undercover? You may not be a racing fan, but the game looks great. Classic FatF style, undercover cop in the street racing syndy. Amazing graphics, and looks to go back towards Most Wanted stylings. Wouldn't be too bad of a choice.

    Mmm, there is End War. It's pretty unique and kind fun, though challenging and takes some getting used to. I'm sure you probably know, but basically it's an RTS which you hollar commands into your mics and tell your troops to move it, attack, retreat...etc.

    Fallout is basically Oblivion with massive polish, as if Oblivion didn't have enough polish already. I'm not to sure how VATS effects overall gameplay, as I haven't actually played Fallout myself..but it's bethesda and they wouldn't make the mistake of ruining the game.

    I mean theres always things like rockband, you could pick up some older games like the orange box if you don't have them. Live points, controllers, headsets, the works. Or you could get a preorder for something like halowars. There are lots of options.

    Farcry, hmm..honestly. I do love it and I do love the multiplayer, and I massively hated the game before it's launch due to all the overhype and fanboyism. Basically, all the people going around hating it are the people who believed or spread rumors and thought the game was going to be much more than it was. IMO FC>CoD But Gears/Halo>FC. FC only stands better than CoD if people continue to play it.
  12. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    That, sirs, is one hefty of a good post. Give this man a medal. :D

    For F3, I'd have to talk to someone with it to know what it's like.

    Not too fond of Console RTS, but the Voi. Commands look really interesting. (Endwar)

    I've got GH2 and GH3, so I'm not going to get Rockband (I don't know if Rockband 1 is even out here in Australia, whereas America already has No. 2.) or GHWT for a while.

    A racing game seems like a nice touch, actually. Was GRiD any good? NFS Undercover looks great too, I've seen a couple of pictures, but that doesn't tell much.

    The massive amount of Weapons in FC is a bonus, but I still wonder about the multiplayer.

    Eugh, I'm losing interest in Fable now for some reason.

    If it were you Chrst, what would be your reason and why for the third game? (If you don't mind explaining. :p)
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thats how I felt with fable. Great game, and honestly I didn't see anything wrong with it. The game was pristine, but as time wore on, it didn't hold it's enthusiasm.

    To elaborate on FC's multiplayer: it's got a points system like CoD, tho it's a lot harder to rank up. Every rank you get a diamond, and diamonds upgrade your weapons. There are a few classes: Commando, Sharpshooter, Rebel? There are a few more. Basically every class is kinda a gun style. Theres the AK47 class, you upgrade to a slightly better gun, and you get a grenade launcher. The sniper has a few different sniper rifles, the end one being quite power, fast shooting with a multi shot clip. Sniping is fun, challenging but possible. The game has a good mix of close combat, AR weapons, explosives and long range. The flamethrower and rpg are cool, and the grass catching fire is interesting and more effective than you might think.

    It's a mix of mechanics. It's got the CoD mechanics with sort of a battlefield health system, where you can stop, press heal and heal yourself as many times as you'd like. So instead of stopping and taking cover while your shields recharge, you stop, take cover and rip a bullet of out your hand. This can be interrupted and you can die in the middle of it. Cover is very useful, as is your team because they can help you up. There are no custom classes, but you basically work on a gun class, and apart form you kill/win/revive exp, you gain i think manuals? I can't remember what it is, the more you use the gun, the stronger it becomes, the fast it reloads and stuff like that. I was a level 4 playing against level 12's the last time i played (a couple weeks ago), and I had no problem. It's not like CoD where higher levels own waay too much based on their guns. Since you are stronger in this game, you can take a couple more hits. The only worry about the multiplayer is if people will continue playing.

    As for which would be my third choice? Well, I think I'd get fallout. I honestly dunno why I never bought it. I guess it was at that point I realized I had too many games, because Far Cry was getting the love it deserved. I never picked up my CoD5 preorder, nor my L4D preorder. With Halo, Gears and Rockband..plus games like the orange box, bioshock and assassins creed that I own and never beat, I don't really have the time.
  14. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    I thought you might say Fallout, and I was looking forward to as why. I'm not really that hyped for it. I don't really 'feel' the gameplay. If you do happen to pick it up sometime, send us a message saying why it's good and I might pick it up with my own money. In FC, that multiplayer actually seems really fun, how the weapons get stronger and stuff. Seems like the sort of addicting gameplay you'd want. - Alot harder to rank up seems great, seeing as though CoD4 was relatively easy to rank up.

    So far, my choice is now FarCry2. That's not going to say that is what I will be wanting/getting, because someone might come in with a much better reason for something. As for now, that's what it is. I thank you for the effort you've put in Chrst, much appreciation. :D
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
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    1.CoD:WaW for longlasting multiplayer, and campaign, I absolutely love this game. I can't stop playing, and while having the leveling (CoD4) like an RPG, you still have that FPS feel (no ****) let me finish, I've played since #2.....
    The multiplayer excells, and thinking that I despised CoD4, this is a HUGE improvement to be able to say I just may like it more than halo 3...
    2.Far Cry 2 for map editor only...multiplayer fails, campaign gets boring as ****
    3.GoW 2 for idk, never liked GoW anyways...
  16. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    Awwww man, now I'm back deciding for FC2. I really gotta stick to something here. So tell me Sdra, how come multiplayer fails? And as to why Campaign is boring?
  17. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Alrighty, Multiplayer is terrible since: lets take it this way.
    You go into "matchmaking" and you select which game-mode you want. 99.99% of the time you will get a user created map. 70% of the time it fails. It's huge, or it's small as ****. There is only one good size for maps, and thats medium-small. Out of all the sizes you can make the map, rarely do people make it perfect. Otherwise, it just turns into a sniper match. You can't do **** with the Other weapons, since of course: they aren't long range. So what do you do? You go bandwagon, and pull out your sniper.

    IMO, that's fail, and that's why there is no skill involved in it. Exactly the reason I clearly choose CoD5 over FC2 any day. In CoD5, I can take on a sniper across the map with a pistol if I wanted to, if I'm good enough (not yet haha).

    I have both games, and FC2 was a waste of money. I got it, made four maps fast, was amazed by it. Got featured on FarCryCreations (pending, but already spot saved) and now what? Nothing....

    EXTRA: Campaign for FC2 fails, because multiplayer fails. Try playing the same **** twice, except in a world where you have to go to specific spots. Oh wait, the spots are totally ****ing random, and you don't know at points where you are supposed to go. Sucks IMHO.
  18. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Well no offense to Sdrak, but honestly..anyone who loves CoD that much is just wrong ;)

    The game is meh really. It's made by the lesser development company and it's basically trying to steal all the CoD4 fanboys, who in my opinion and many others, the biggest douchebags on xbl. It has a terrible community, they are all racist assholes who curse their faces off. I plus my mic into, turn it off and the volume muted so there is no way I can hear anyone. I boycotted CoD4, so I never played it, and yet in a week I was able to rape 44's in the beta (I was 22 I think, 41 kils/8 deaths playing 3v8 against 3 level 44's on roundhouse...speaks for itself). The only reason I even played the beta is because it was on my harddrive so I didn't have to pop in a disc. I disagree the multiplayer has a life span of 1-2 months..unlike games like halo and gears that people are play years after their launches. Treyarchs campaings are always easy and short, it's way too easy to rank up, though the perks are less ridiculous in this game. In short, people who get raped in halo love CoD, it's easy and boring.

    Farcry is CoD with a hard factor added in. This is why people hate it. You have to work for ranks, you have to actually go and try to kill people, you don't get airstrikes and gunships or dogs to get you 7+ more kills, no radar. I love Far crys multiplayer, and the only reason I can see people hating it is because it's hard. You gotta know how much I hated FC before it's launch to know me praising it means a lot.

    As for Sdraks comment about the map editor being the only good thing? Well if the multiplayer sucks, why would you wanna built maps?

    The reason people hate campaign is: the map is kinda small, as it resembles a real map. You have to figure out stuff on your own, and you have to drive everywhere as there isn't "fast travel". Along the way you always get in fights, which are always challenging. It's a lot more figuring out stuff than most FPS, and takes a bit longer. It's more free roam. It's also relatively difficult. Though it does get a tad repeatitive. I'd say rent it and try it honestly..because it seems to be a game that people love or hate.

    Edit: just saw Sdraks comment. Don't play social, play ranked. There are no player made maps in ranked, thus you don't have fail **** maps.

    Also, I never use snipers, nor do I find it hard to rape the snipers. Commando. Assault+nade launcher=wins. Farcry is about recon and knowing your surrounding. Don't get in vehicles. Don't run up a massively open hill. You won't get sniped.
  19. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    So FC is a game where it isn't just, 'ONOES a dood, SHOOT'

    You have to plan and think things? Seems like a great combo if I got CoD5. If I got angry at one, go onto the other.

    If people think FC is crap because it's hard, then, wathafuk; it sucks cause the player sucks. lolmao.

    Agreed on the dogs and stuff. If you get dogs, you pretty much get a positive K/D spread and are near the top, but to GET dogs in the first place, you need to get kills. Dogs help getting rid of campers, too. ;P
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm just saying it's not hard to get lots of kills in CoD at all. It's like oo 3 kills cuz I camped this corner of the start of the game, recon plane...hey there they are kill, kill..artillery..kill, kill..dogs...more kills, die repeat.

    Farcry I'd go like 15/4, cuz I'd take the long way around, rape three snipers. I just owned at that game for some reason. Had I had people to play with, I'd be top ranks right now. Problem is, going in by yourself and getting a shitty team..you are pretty much more ****ed than any other game.

    The reason I suggest Fallout is this: you can't really competitive play more than a couple different online games at the same time. Halo being the best in it's FPS class and Gears in the TPS class..those are all you really need. Mix in CoD if you want, than pick up some RPG styled or race, music..just something other than another online based shooter.

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