i sorry that i put offensive matrial on ur website i understand that it is unacceptable i got mad there was a guy who kept changing my post so it said im a noob and i got tired of going back and changing it. so here it is i just ask that u forgive me sorry ok i respect ur site i just wanted to get my first post up and all this happend
Well, that was not the way to handle it... mods only change posts for reasons, so be more understanding. And this is a kind community. You can swear but no one does. So don't.
I'm glad you're apologizing. I'd like to know whether or not you knew who was editing your posts. Abuse of moderation powers is generally not acceptable. Anyways, like mooregames says, you can swear, but not directed towards people. That's what's called flaming.
It was Asper... who would never abuse his power. I'm sure there was a reason. Glad you are apolodgizing. EDIT: The reason was that he didn't want to bump, but he wanted to tell him to shorten the title... No big deal...
I have no idea... I think Asper said something about not saying he would "pown" other people or made a joke, which he took as offensive. Ask chronic....
i not sure how it works but i posted it and when i looked at it there were two alterrations one said im a noob and the other my shoes are untide im not computer smart enough to know how they did it or who but it made me mad knowing someone was messin wit me cause i didnt know what i was doing
asper said that after i flamed the guy for messin with me i have no problem with him he's just doing what he's ment to
No one was messing with you. It's a little joke around here. We hade things called marquees, which moved side to side. They got so annoying that TDF disabled them. So when you type [nobbc][move]My MAP[/move][/nobbc], you get: I'm a noob. My MAP My shoes have been stolen. See?
Thank you for your apology. Please try not to let things get to you, we are a friendly bunch, if a little critical sometimes. Your rank has been reinstated. Your Pyramid map looks good, btw.
A lot of people are friendly, but guys like me (who come from different forums) will tell you this "don't apologize, just do. No one wants an apology."
None of this would have happened if you posted your map correctly in the first place, so next time refer to THIS
I think he is talking about that... it comes off a little harsh. But as stated, everyone here is nice, but we can be a bit edgy. Hahaha... I'm pretty sure they implemented that during the Great Shoe War. "The GReat Shoe War" is now it's official nickname.... sorry for getting offtopic. No more!
See mate, I swear when it is neccisary, for example: Mooregames: I haz photoshop Me: **** you.. I don't haz Photoshop, it costs too much :squirrel_sad: Mooregames: I gotz it for free, didnt have to pay a dime. Me: you lucky bastard, I R jelous but haz Reconz so what now Mooregames: Sadface :squirrel_sad: