
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GamerGuevara, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. GamerGuevara

    GamerGuevara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    An asymmetrical map designed fro Slayer, King of the Hill, and Territories. Designed for FFA or teams up to 4v4.​

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​

    Debris is an asymmetrical Foundry map. There are four main areas: The attacker's spawn behind the 'hill'; the flat ground between the hill and the fortress; the underground rooms accessable from the back entrance and from the fortress itself.

    The main feature of this map is an explode able gate. Imagine the gate on High Ground but different. the easiest way to open the gate is from the underground rooms by exploding a fusion coil which starts a chain reaction. However, if the defense is slack and hasn't deployed the bubble sheild a fluke grenade could do it.

    Weapon Selection
    The weapon selection on this map is farily balanced. There are only 4 power weapons: The Rockets- Limited to 2 shots; Shotgun- Limited to 6 shots; Sniper- Limited to 8 shots; and a sentinel beam.

    One team spawns in the base and the other behind the hill. Each team after spawning has almost immediate access to battle rifles and plasma grenades. The attackers also have a sniper and are closer to the central sentinel beam. the defense also have a needler and are closer to the shotgun in the tunnels. The last weapon the defenders have is the rocket to combat the attackers warthog.

    Vehicle Selection
    The Attacker's spawn with a Warthog and two mongoose close th there spawn Generally this map is too small for a rampaging warthog but with correct positioning can create useful covering fire. The mongoose are used to get to the base quickly. Also one minute into the game a ghost spawns in a central location.

    Equipment Selection
    The attacker's spawn is located near two regenerators. These are usually used when the defenders deploy their two power drainers. Also across the middle across the hill spawn three bubble shields. Another spawns above the gate to protect it from grenades.

    Another feature of this map is its use of deployable covers. These can be used to close the back door, used as ladders to jump onto the fortress and also just as cover. each team has two near their spawn.

    Recommended Gametypes
    Although this map supports all gametypes and up to sixteen players. I suggest only 8 players and choose from the following gametypes.

    • FFA Slayer/ Team Slayer- for added spice change secondary weapon to random
    • Team/ King of the Hill- the more players the more intense and the longer the game goes
    • Territories- It is quite easy to take or one or two but to take all is quite difficult
    • One Flag/Bomb- Quite fun but the spawning is not perfect

    • This map uses the 100 item limit
    • I have worked out 2 separate ways to escape the map, tell me if you can find them also.
    • Please rate on Bnet as well
    • Feel free to change weapon, vehicle and spawns. Please can someone give me guidance on how to place these well
    • Look out for my new map I think I will call it Vertical

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​
    A View of the Shotgun Spawn and Tunnels

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​
    A View of the Top Side of the Castle

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​
    Underground Tunnel

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​
    Two Views of one of the Hills

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​
    This one Fusion Coil can cause...

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]​

    Link to BNet

    GamerGuevara - Australia
  2. TMcKnight22

    TMcKnight22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty neat...I'll give it a go tomorrow.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks really well done, nice job, ill try it out
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks fun, and your post looks beautiful. Nice work! Consider it downloaded. I'll be back once I've given it a forge-through.
  5. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the chain reaction gate is very origional i will download this.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just skimmed past most of that because it is time for bed. But remind me to check this out later. It looked good.
  7. GamerGuevara

    GamerGuevara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys for all the nice comments. However I would really appreciate it if a dedicated member of forgehub, who knows how to implement forge tools correctly would give me some pointers on how to improve my map and help me make better maps on a whole.

  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great concept how long did it take to build the hill/mound around the castle?
  9. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice use of interlocking, yes...

    Looks promising.
  10. powersurge47

    powersurge47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The 2nd last and last pics are very creative. Lolled at em'

    Good job on this map, it looks very clean, good use of interlocking.
  11. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks pretty cool.. Looks very neatly constructed. I think I might give this one a shot. DL'd!
  12. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow quite a good use of merging 5/5
  13. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I really like this map. It reminds me of Gradient and Furouis D 18's Exacted.
  14. GamerGuevara

    GamerGuevara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It actually took me a surprisingly short amount of time, mainly because I had so much practice with the rest of the map. Also when I made it I had no idea what strategic things can happen around it.

    Also when I saw Gradient and played a game on it, it kind a inspired me to create the "hill" but I did not get to play Exacted before I created Debris.

  15. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the hill/ghost ramp!
  16. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok.. maybe the pics on this one were a bit misleading to me. It is a good use of the interlocking technique but there is hardly anything to this map. A room and a wall pretty much. Way too easy to spawn kill as well. Sorry, but not really my cup 'o' tea.[​IMG]
  17. GamerGuevara

    GamerGuevara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im sorry that you did not enjoy my map however maybe I can try to explain some of your problems. I admit there is a lot of empty space but this area is mostly for vehicles and so kinda makes sense. (I know more cover would be good) However I got to the 100 item limit cause when I make a map it kinda all waterfalls into one location and I was unable to add more cover so I decided to place bubble sheild spawns. In a 4v4 match at least 2 of these are in place at all times. ( As can be seen in the screenshots)

    Also your comment about spawning is kinda approriate. I admit spawn killing does occur but in my play testing it was only from someone sitting on a warthog and you had no chance. Every other spawn has a weapon or cover that can be used to defend yourself. This being said I would like nothing more than someone to give me a lesson on how to place spawns correctly.

    This is not ment to be an angry defensive post but a post explaining my actions and ideas. I hope that that is obvious.

  18. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice! I see how you subtly interlocked boxes neatly enough so there's no gaps. I will definitely download this.


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