*not literally bouncy, just funny :]* [youtube]_OBlgSz8sSM[/youtube] [youtube]Q9yAkBSrMk0[/youtube] [youtube]IblTNTh0ocw[/youtube] [youtube]yrnWss1Gid8[/youtube] mkay im done.
gimme my motha ****ing change! you give me 5 dolla I gave you ****ing 20 dollar now gimme ****ing change! *sigh* this is why i dont want kids.
BLOOD! Not Funny! This is yet another amazing addition to the video forum, I am surprised you didn't put that evil baby face thing in.
awwww, those kids with the accent are tho adowible the kid saying blood reminds me of my little bro haha. and hahaha at the black kid.