Hey all: I've got a great idea for a map on Construct. You know where the sword spawns? Course you do. You know the little room up th ramp from the sword spawn? With the bulletproof glass windows? Then you can turn either right or left and come to rooms where you exit the purple grav lifts? In those rooms, the exit leading toward the main grav lifts is divided by a post. I want to block off those exits, the doorway leading to the sword spawn, and the doorway leading to the sniper spawn, so you are playing in an extremely small playing area. Each of the grav lift exits is a "base." The middle with the glass will become the middle of the map. I'm thinking of putting 4x BRs in one base, along with 2 SMGs and a regenerator, and 4x Carbines and 2 Plasma Rifles with a Drainer in the other. A shotgun with 6 shots and a long respawn will be the coveted power weapon right smack in the middle. I think this would be a fun "Fast CTF" map. Except I have a problem. How to block off all those exits so no one can get out? On Construct I believe you are only supplied with 8 crates. Please help!
If it helps, in this Forging 101 you can learn how to secure those crates so they can't be blasted out of the way. If you're worried about not having enough crates to block it off, you could try objects such as turret cases and secure them like the crates. If you still can't block it off, as a last resort you could use equipment cases and create a pile of explosives behind them (and set them all to instant respawn). Then, on your gametype, set the suicide score fee to -10. It may seem crazy, but players will learn its best not to mess with the wall.
Very simple. I posted a full tutorial on a method you can use to block of these areas. You can find the tutorial Here So you will need 2 crates per side on each side of the posts(4 crates total), two crates to block of sword room (the top crate you would just place a receiver node on top off) and Two crates to place of sniper area. If you can't figure out how to do my tutorial then just place a reciever node on top of the crates instead of merging or just use plain old telporters though crates look nicer.
Thanks Catastrophe, but I know how to secure crates so they won't move. I am worryed about not having enough crates to block everything off. Will turret and equipment cases do the trick. P.S. That is a neat trick though, Catastrophe
Thank you, if you could keep that thread alive. You should have enough to block of everything. If you dont just use sender nodes becaues turret cases are very hard to secure
Put receiver teleporter node on there, and then it's impossible to move it. Lol, and if you do this with the Elephant on Sandtrap, you can get launched if you're on one of the small parts.
If you run out of crates, try to use the supply cases (covenant crates). I think there are more of those on the map. Then back them up with receiver nodes so they dont move.
Well, it would also mean a waste of time because you'd have to place them perfectly, which is what I thought you meant in the first place.
Nice sounding Idea for a map. Just do like they said and use the immovable objects glitch. Drop Pods actually work well as securing agents too.