i just had an idea of a ''prison map'' i was thiking it could have a few sniper towers hear and their and a few prison cells...and maybe make the map two stories to where we can put a few ''underground tunnels''....well, if anybody has any other ideas or would like to help with the map just send me a p.m. or a friend request on live.
lol i am making a machinima, and i have a map exact to that, obviosuly it couldnt be played though, its not really made for play, just for looks > Ill upload it when i get my xbox back
My friends has a sandtrap map they converted into a prison it can be used to play cops and robbers but i personally hate that game because it's based on the honor system
Which map were you looking for this to be built on? I have a prison Machinima map on Foundry. If you want one on Foundry, I would gladly make you one. :squirrel_wink:
Well, I finished your map. It is awesome, I think. :squirrel_rocking: It doesn't have a basement, but it does have a few other cool features. I will give you the link to it once my file share loads. :squirrel_shiftyeyes: For some reason, it won't let me access my file share.
Okie-dokie, it is on my file share. Just click http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=Ark%20of%20Covenant to go to my file share page. The map is titled "Jail Yard". Let me know what you think! Oh, just to let you know, it is a better "Cops and Robbers" map than anything else. I don't have a Cops and Robbers game type, so you will have to make that much yourself.
Well, I don't post a thread for every single map I make on Bungie. That is the only way I know of that will let you download the map.
Ark you triple posted, don't. If you are the last poster and you wish to add information just edit your previous post.
You could have some radio tower things and place teleporters on top(recievers)and try and get "snipers" at the top.
In Foundry a second level wouldn't be required to make underground tunnels either. Or at least not a full second level as long as you use the right techniques. I can help you out on that one if you want. What kind of gametypes are you planning this for?
3 simple spelling mistakes NO punctuation 1 Non-Fluid Sentance that takes up 6 lines. Seriously, if you want some respect on this website, spend more than 30 seconds on a post.. please..
And is there something wrong with making more than one post on the same thread? I guess that is an all-exclusive rule here. :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_rant: I also read through the "Help" section of the site, and nothing at all about posting more than one time in a thread. So what do you care for, anyway?
nothing is worng with it. Posting again in succesion however is unnessessary and with the amount of pics and things this site puts to each person(avatar,huge sigs,avatar sentance-alot more stuff than most sites)it creates unnnessesary pile up slowing loading times. Its not serious and your not gonna get banned or anything but its considerate and is the internet equivalent of being polite to simply click edit on your last post...its actually faster to do aswell.
all he's saying is don't post two times in a row without someone posting in between. Anywho ya I was about to make a maze map based on prison break I decided no to though