this is copied strait from microsoft word and *means really wanted tell me any additions and comments Gears of war2* Rock band2 Star wars: the force unleashed * Mario kart wii Avatar series collection Satellite in my room Call of duty 5:world at war Mirrors edge * Prince of Persia (new version) Fire emblem:radiant dawn* Sonic unleashed Tales of symphonia2 Metroid prime3:corruption* Pokemon snap Paper Mario Super paper Mario No more heroes Zack&wiki:quest for barbos tresure Super Mario galaxy Tomb raider:underworld Elder scrollsblivian Ninga gaiden2 note wii games are in blue,360 in red,green is guides
I kinda have a feeling you won't be getting all of those, so you should probably limit it a bit. Star Wars is a waste of money, the game is like four hours long. Rent it. Mirrors Edge is a rental too.
No thats my point, don't put a whole bunch of stuff, if you want some stuff waay more, cuz than you'll end up with the crappy things you don't want instead of the good stuff
omg, thats is a lot of money, most of those are rentals, like Mirrors Edge and a lot of the wii games.
I'm thinking about taking rockband2 of the list since it was in the trunk of the car when I started putting up groceries after my grandmother went shopping,but I dont want her to ge suspicios,and on another note has anyone ever heard of a game called ledgendary?
Yeah I heard of it when it was earlier in development, sometime last was still called legendary box than, I think they included box somewhere in the new title lol. Basically, someone opens pandoras box and a bunch of mythical creatures come to like a modern city and you fight them with guns. It looked good when I last saw it, but recently I've only seen ads for it and not to much info. I think it's out now? Unless it got bumped to december.
These are strictly based on opinion: Gears of war2* A must have!! Rock band2 I most definitely recommend it. Star wars: the force unleashed * I tried the demo. Not bad. Mario kart wii Aw hell yeah!! Avatar series collection I dun like Avatar. Satellite in my room You can't live without satellite. Get it for sure. Call of duty 5:world at war I F'n want that. A must have. Mirrors edge * I here it's excellent Prince of Persia (new version) Never heard of or played the new version (I don't think) Fire emblem:radiant dawn* I think I might have heard of it but I don't know what it's about. Sonic unleashed Eh, Sonic is okay but it sort of lost it's touch. Tales of symphonia2 Not sure but I hear all Tales games are pretty good. Metroid prime3:corruption* Really fun for a certain while until it gets slightly boring (also cause I got bored of Wii) Pokemon snap Eww Pokemon Paper Mario Never played Super paper Mario My Paper Mario kept freezing so I never got to play it for more than 5 minutes. No more heroes I hear it's quite fun. Zack&wiki:quest for barbos tresure Never heard Super Mario galaxy Quite fun however I didn't play it much (again I got bored of Wii) Tomb raider:underworld Never played. Elder scrollsblivian I like those games to a certain extent. Ninga gaiden2 Very good game. I still need to buy it.
Avatar Series =Total win I think I am getting the same thing I would love to have the last season on disk BTW its Call of Duty 4 WOW
If you don't already have Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you should definitely get it. If you are an FPS fan DO NOT get it. All my friends obsessed with shooter games, hated Oblivion, if you are a classic RPG fan you will love this, real-time combat is the only thing that keeps it away from being any of the old fantasy-RPG's Great story, great gameplay, huge open-ended world. Put fallout on there as well :3
I honestly wouldn't bother with's CoD4 as eguitar said..I actually have a preorder on it, I never went to pick it up lol.
My 360 gave me a christmas gift: 3RL ****, bad things always happen on weekends, now I'll need to wait until monday to check the warranty. Anyway, it will be like 30 days without Halo 3.
For me, 34 days. Well actually I got to play it a couple times at my friend's house but other than that, I haven't got to play it for more than 30 minutes for 34 days.
That's a really large list you've got there. I have rock band 2 and SW:TFU and I recommend both of them. TFU is really fun and addicting and RB2 is bette then GH4. I want GoW2, Banjo, and an iTouch.