Has anyone else tried this before? I have only started doing this is in the past couple of months, but I find it to be easy to get the hang of, and fun to do (Minus the exception errors...) But does anyone else do this? Just wondering.
I never really got into the whole halo ce modding kit thingy. Just didn't understand what button does what and plus I was just too lazy to look at guides. I'd like to see your work, post them sometime. Oh and BTW I have like 4 gigs worth of maps so it always take about 5 mins for halo ce to load.
I modded Halo 2 but the guys over at HaloMods - Your Halo Modding Source know alot about Halo PC modding. There are a bunch of maps and tutorials over there too.
Mods are what made the previous halo games ten times better then halo 3. forge is a joke compared to the fun you could have with mods. Now tell me you don't bungie to allow mods in halo 3. No way anyone could say no to awesome,crazy and fun maps like these.
Wow, those are some pretty interesting maps. I've modded other games before (Tycoon games, etc.), is Halo PC hard to code/mod? I'm sure those above maps took some time regardless, it's pretty detailed.
Well, the map that the pictures are of are in Halo Custom Edition. I'm talking about Halo: Combat Evolved. And, if you get the hang of it, it's not hard at all. I've recently started trying to PMI (Perfect Model Injection) Like, making a Pelican available in Blood Gulch, stuff like that.
Wow you know how bad i would want to play on that modded map lol thats halo1 right? who cares i would love to battle it off like in a city if anyone every builded a whole city!!! lol
Kind of like this map? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIyV0AkgAOE I've played around with Halo PC modding a bit. It was fun making an Assault Rifle shoot tank shells. I then discovered Custom Edition and left PC modding. I've made a single map on CE and working on an other. Help inspire me to go to school for game art.
Well, since I can't afford 3DS Max, I can't really make Custom Edition maps. Still, since I found out how to put a cryo-tube in Blood Gulch, fun ensues.
i downloaded a bunch of stuff like the halo map editing kit and custom edition, but i could never understand any of it. i am just horrible with code. however i can successfully change games by going into the folder, which usualy works out well fo r me.(already hugely changed medieval 2 total war, rome total war, the guild 2, and more games)