Hey all. I know quite a few people here watch South Park (IMHO the BEST TV show of all time) and I wanted to know what everyone's favorite episode was. Mine's probably either 'Make Love, Not Warcraft' , 'The Losing Edge' or 'Lil Crime Stoppers'.
Dude that movie was just epic win. Two of the greatest songs ever featured in a movie are right there, with them being "Shut Your ****ing Face Uncle ****er" and "Kyle's Mom's A *****"
lol. Souuth Park is so funny. I think the funniest is one of the oldest. I think it's called Anal robe, or something like that. It makes me laugh everytime though.
I loved the election episode "Are you a Obama supporter or McCain?" "Why does that matter?" "You either partied too hard or tried to kill yourself." Also like the opening to the vampire one when Mr Maki is explaining some **** and everyone is playing CoD
tied between: Scott Tenerman Must Die and Make Love not Warcraft The first shows just who maniacally clever Cartman is. Freaking manipulative genius he is. The latter is just an all-around winner, and since I was into World of Warcraft at the time it was much funnier. It was nominated for an Emmy.
The political message in "About last night"(Obama Mcain episode) was good. Of course, most of you don't get the real meanings behind the episode.
It was an Ocean's Eleven theme. In my opinion, the one where they create the Sexy Action News show for their school is the best.
the first movie really isnt funny. its just swearing to swear. only children still find it funny. basically anything past season 8 is win.
Bish, I watched the movie the other night. I've loved south park since I 6. It's my absolute favourite show, there aren't many really bad episodes. But if I had to pick a favourite... hm Season 5 was pure win with Kenny Dies, Butters very own episode, it hits the fan, Scott Tenorman Must Die, Towelie, Osama Bin Laden has farty pants. I loved the Ungroundable, the one that was just released. But I can't make a desisive choice. I just love south park.
I agree with Sargeant Sarcasm, "Scott Tenerman Must Die" and "Make Love Not Warcraft" are my favorite episodes. I f**king love that line in the episode =P
"but maaam!" I love when Cartman uses that really high begging voice when he says that. It makes me laugh.
Ya I happened to watch Make Love, Not Warcraft with my older cousin who played WoW for 6 years (it actually payed off for him, too; as in about $2,200) and he was dying throughout the entire episode. But I found Scott Tenerman Must Die kinda out there. I don't know, I mean it was funny and it shows that Cartman is an evil, scheming genius but it was just....creepy (for lack of a better word). Another good one I thought was the one where they mimic 24 and Cartman plays good cop, bad cop. "Cross reference his myspace page with facebook! Run a background check on him on Ask Jeeves!" "But sir, nobody uses Ask Jeeves anymore!"
I gotta say my two favorite are Make Love, Not Warcraft and Guitar *****-o. I haven't seen the second half of season 12 yet, though.