Tremors and Mouse - Dirty Nest(rats nest) Tremors and Mouse Dirty Nest: A Ancient Goat Production Made by: Adelyss & Goatnuts420 Map Variant Game Type about: Fat Rats is a tremor and mouse game made by me and adelyss inspired by teh master's original game type. It is set on Rats Nest and features four jumps, geomerging, and two tremor spawns. I guarantee that you will have fun playing this, everyone who has played it already loves it. How to Play: The round last for 5 minutes. At the start of the round two tremors are randomly selected, after 30 seconds they are released. The rest of the people are the mice. They spawn by the mongooses and have to drive around and avoid being hit by the tremors. The tremors are not aloud to shoot the mice. The mice are not aloud to board the tremors and are suppose to stay in their mongooses. Recommended party size 8-10 people, or around there. Pictures: Main jump and both chopper spawns. Mouse spawn Jump, mirrored on other side Blocked off side base, geomerged with the stairs, mirrored on the other side Zombie spawn 1, we had to merge the crate through the top because we could not get one to spawn inside. Grav lift spawns after 30 second and pushes crate away Zombie spawn 2, again we had to merge the crate through the top because we could not get one to spawn inside. Grav lift spawns after 30 second and pushes crate away Random gameplay picture Another random gameplay picture. Map Variant Game Type
very nice something new to play with on mouse tremors instead of just the usual maps rats nest is not my favorite map but with all the jumps and stuff yall made it looks nice i like rats nest for mini game mpas though good job very nice i think my next maze map is gonna be on rats nest thanx for the idea well anyways
this reminds me of tremor and mouse a whole lot. i like how its not on foundry which is a good thing and also i think its good you blocked off certain parts of the map im gonna dl and try it out tomorow
Nice, I remember playing this map with you guys a while ago and I spent the whole time breaking it... I see you fixed most of these, but did you fix the spot on top of the doors? Either way, when nobody cheats, it's a fun game and well worth the download.
It looks like you went through a lot of work to make this, very nice job, it should be a ton of fun. 4.6/5 great job on merging the crates also.
We played this on TGIF and I must say it was quite fun.(besides lag, but you can't stop that) Even though it is bigger than foundry, it is a circle so it can be hard for the zombie. I really like the jumps because it spices it up. Good map. 4/5
wtf how did you play this on TGIF we hadn't even released it yet. Who hosted your party? This has happened alot so far though. People must have saved it from the play tests because it was so fun and shared it with thier friends. Like yesterday one of my good firends on xbox live was in custom games and played this with me and he was like wait you guys made this, I have been playing this for like two weeks and didnt even know.
Haha this is awesome. I'm glad other people are making more tremor n' mouse maps. This looks like alot of fun. Im going to que it for DL and play it after exams. Those jumps will be epic. This map should bring a whole different feel/vibe to the tremor n' mouse gametype. Well done guys. I look forward to playing it. :]
Looks like another tremor and mouse... but this looks fun! I haven't seen many maps on Rat's Nest. I like how there are ramps that you can jump off of. Seems like it would make it a little more challenging for the zombies. This looks like an overall great map. 4/5
I actually isnt very hard for the zombies because the humans dont know if they we be around the corner but the zombies always know where you are because of waypoints. There is going to be a v2 to fix some minor issues.
I personally like this one alot more than the original TnM its larger and its more fun because you can go almost anywhere on this map. Plus the ramp is hilarious. Especially when a mouse comes from one side of the ramp and a tremor on the other. Mice+Tremors= KaBlAm!