I have been making a competive map and I need some aesthetic features of some sort to make it "special", "zesty", "spicy", "Shnazy", or "nifty" so if you have any ideas please tell me. For an idea to compare to or what it should kinda be like, I am thinking of stuff so it will be more futuristic. So far I have fence walls with shield doors in them for a shield type thing. Also if there are any guides on how to make the arrows with the teleporters please tell me. I don't think I left anything out so if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
I can't be of much help with the aesthetic nature of your map, but hopefully this will help. Here's a link to Bl00D F1R3's guide to Teleporter Writing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFrKK6gk98A&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=6
No problem Lemme know if you figure anything out. I'd like to see it. And if you need help with anything (other than coming up with ideas) let me know.
k well i would invite you if you wanted to see it so far but it would be boring, since for some reason my mic decided not to work for the last 3 days... but you can still come if you want just send message GT-kilamanjara14