Despite the extremely lame game title, I am really looking forward to this game. Has anyone seen these videos? 100% destructible environments in a sand box battlefield! If you ask me this is as close to actual warfare as you can get. I always got extremely pissed off in any game when I was driving a tank into the woods and it would get caught on some 3 foot tall sapling. Now in this game you can just either A drive over the trees or B blow them up completely. Also AA guns and other turrets mow down scenery in order to get a better shot. And if you're in a building, you can blow a hole in the wall and simply walk out. Best yet if a user manned chopper gets shoot down, it can come crashing down into a building killing it's occupants and demolishing the building. COD4 eat your heart out.
I completely agree, however the enviroments are only 95 percent destructible some things can't be destroyed but that is only very little. Anyways this game will be awesome and I will never play halo once I get this game.
it sounds amazing, i hope it is executed well. i heard bad things about an early build of the game... hopefully they fix it all up
You can tell by their vid docs that they have been working pretty hard on getting this game going. I believe the final product will be great!
Agreed, but it kind of makes sense when you think about it, it's the first Battlefield game with an actual campaign mode built into it. So you'd figure they would try to create some 'bad ass" rag tag team of soldiers.
Yeah this game looks totally awesome, it's as high on my anticipation scale as SCII, TES: V, and SSBB.
I've been waiting for the next Battlefield game. The destructible environment seems like it is going to be a blast to play. lollolloollollollollolollolollolollolollloololol
Do you think they are going to have large scale battles on the consoles? Almost like Frontlines? If they did, that would instantly make it one of my favorite FPS's of all time.
Like all the other battlefield games, the maps are going to be huge sandboxes. You can fly planes and helicopters, drive vechiles and pretty much go anywhere. I'm guessing at least 32 players per match.
This sounds really great! I am excited about the destructable scenery... big step in game industry to more realistic games/ physics. But, I thought it was only 90% destructable.
I will definatly get it as long as there are quick play skirmishes (and my kamakazie strikes are more efficient :squirrel_evil