The man who grew his finger back This is a rather old, but amazing story. The first few sections are the most important but read through all to be best informed. Source: BBC News
Wow thats... astonshing. Words can't even express how I feel right now. I wouldn't even think I would live int he day where our scientific technology can basically take place of 'god'. Thats how I see it. This is truly great, and I can't wait to see what else they can discover about this. And how it seems to simple, just merely putting powder on a cut-off limb. I could even see this being used int he military, and them perfecting this so that 4 weeks will turn into 4 days, and maybe even 4 hours.
Pain < Humiliation/disability/etc. You're really going to let pain overcome you not having one of your organs? It was the same amount of pain when you lost it so why wouldn't you want it back. And that was a term of speech. I meant maybe they could be able to grow it back in 4 hours but not anytime soon I think.
omg. it was kinda gross seeing the finger growing back but seriosuly that guy is amazing. he may infact be just llike hayden panetierre from heroes. this guy will live forever i bet.
1. Heroes is the best show ever 2. Hayden Panettiere is just hot (and her regeneration is much quicker) I'm going to keep an eye on you...either because: - I could get money for sueing you or handing you in to the authorities, - You may come in handy one day