Its official, im obsessed with AoE3.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Warlord Alpha, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Anyone else play Age of Empires 3? Im completely obsessed with that game. Yes, a console gamer who also plays pc games *gasp!* So, anyone else play age or any other RTS?

    I find myself on age alot but i mainly play 4 ffa or 3v1 with the computers because im cursed online. every single time i play online my teamates quit, and i can never find a decent 1v1 game so that doesnt happen. Ive gone 0-8, 5 times because a teamate/teamates quit for no reason at all, once because i misunderstood the rules, and once because i just lost.

    Oh, and, btw, im seriously looking forward to Halo Wars.
  2. bman3737

    bman3737 Ancient
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    I used to LOVE AoE 2 5 years ago, and I have AoE3, but I just can't get into it for some reason. Hopefully when Halo Wars comes out though, that will all change...
  3. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I played AoE 1&2 quite a bit, a few years ago. One this that kept me from ever really enjoying the game was the fact that the entire game was a race to spawn the most units, there are not special abilities or anything. I haven't played the 3rd one but if it's more of the same, no thank you.
  4. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    AoE3 is alot better. Its not so much of a race because there is alot of oppourtunities to take things slow and fortify your things. Everything is balanced so perfectly, no civilization or unit has any advantage over another. I mean, later in the game at like the 4th and 5th ages it becomes more of a race to attack, but like i said, you can build defenses and you wont need an especially large army.

    If you dont want races, dont play online. everyone always tries to race there. Playing against the AIs is just as fun (if not more) as playing online, because the AIs are REALLY good.
  5. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    I like this game, but I suck at rts so the highest level I've beat the computer on was medium and that was in a 2v2 so I had a computer to back me up but still pretty fun.
  6. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    no...but i play pharaoh, and that game is so addicting :p
  7. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I do medium for fun, but usually i do hard ffa, 4 players (3 of which are AI) or medium 1v3 (im on my own team vs computers) 1v3 isnt hard on maps with water.
  8. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    It's not that I mind competing against a real time clock, I was once rank within the top 2000 sc players on ladder so i can handle the pressure. The problems is all you do when you're battling in most AoE game is melee or range attack each other in most other game there are special abilities were one unit used correctly can take out an entire group of guys easily. But i'll take you word and give it a shot.
  9. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Like, i mean, if you send in all cavalry and no artillery or anything youll get slaughered but you cant really just send in one type of unit or anything. I mean, i almost never train any cavalry and i always do fine because i make up for it with like 10 cannons. Really, its all about figuring out what your opponent does. If your opponent throws alot of cavalry at you, fight back with artillery. If your opponent uses alot of artillery, use those anti-artillery guns, if they use mad infantry, use cavalry. Really, your scenario (with a big horde of people being used to totally wipe something out) only happens if the guy you are playing is an idiot and just throws alot of musketeers at you. Im telling you thought, everything is so balanced. Its just that being online is wierd because people play really wierd and rush and do wierd things, as in, things the AIs would never do (and the AIs are smart as hell)
  10. Miles_D37

    Miles_D37 Ancient
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    i played alot of AoE 2 in high school at my computer networking class LAN parties... and before i got my 360 i played AoE 3 non stop, i think i still have it somewhers too.... i love RTS though, i've been Rockin' LotR:battle for middle-earth a bunch recently tooo... it's a pretty good concole RTS
  11. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Yeah. I really am looking forward to Halo Wars though. Its made by the people who made AoE, so i know its gonna be at least halfway decent, and i know all the units (like tanks and infantry) and stuff already (unless they come out with new ones). Im pretty sure my Xbox has a far more advanced graphics engine than my computer. I get good performance and graphics for AoE, but im really looking forward to how it looks on a console...and on a 62" HD tv.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I have World In Conflict. That is amazing, similar style, although no resoource collecting or base building.

    More tactics, and some absolutely stunning explosions.
  13. BANDiT

    BANDiT Ancient
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    I love RTS games.

    The only AoE game I've ever played was the second one i believe. =/
    I like it though.

    Oh BTW I played it frm a demo =(
  14. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Ouch. Beleve me, its worth the $40USD, especially considering alot of the $60 games for xbox are pieces of crap.

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