"Animals Close-Up With A Pic" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4hJSvwVLhk=D my friend put the vid on youtube =P
Well, I'm not going to be too forward with this, and I know the truth hurts, but I'm going to put this as nicely as I can to avoid being flamed. It's horrible. Needs tons of work. I couldn't even tell what half the animals were.
I really don't understand what this was. It was just a bunch of sketches of poorly drawn animals scanned to a computer and put together with transitions. It might have possibly been better if I could see what any of the animals were or if anything actually was an animation. This really wasn't a video, it was a slideshow. I don't mean to be harsh but this gets a 0/5 from me. Just makes no sense to me. Maybe explain it. Love, Zachary9990
*ahem* God, I just got back from a horridly unplanned shoot (not my fault) and I had to reschedule everything. So, unfortunately for your friend, I am in the film mood this particular moment. First off, not funny. Not. No. Just no. The pictures appeared to be drawn by a 12 year old kid at best for starters. Second, no music results in extreme quiet and boredom. At least there could have been music. So already, he has only scanned images with no music, but it gets worse than that. He used horrible transitions. Nothing is more boring or horrid than an obvious transition. However, I did laugh.- at the fact that he made this "widescreen". Hilarious. Also, I fell for this too when I was younger, but slapping "professional" looking things with text is a bad bad thing. It adds seconds to your film, people get bored fast with that, and especially when it goes on for too long. The "copying this" is just ironic, because following that he has a picture of Paramount's Logo with his own production name slapped on it. Then the credits were to long in comparison to the film. There was nothing to credit, so don't do credits. Only mention those involved, and since there could not have been much, keep them out and put credits in the Youtube sidebar if you feel you must. Saying things like "Thanks to all those who supported me" is just cheesy, and only those who make professional films or pieces can dare say such, or if they overcame a great obstacle. Just avoid that, or any un-needed stuff at all in Credits. Don't say it was for humor, for it wasn't funny. To be honest, I saw 3 pictures and clicked the end of the video, before closing it. It was just bad. Pictures, bad. Southpark reference, bad. Lack of sound, bad. Lots of text, bad. Just everything about this is bad. If your friend is honestly interested in pursuing film in any way, let me know and I'll type some starting suggestions.
What? That makes no sense. Did you make it or did he make it? I think you are trying to say you made it, but he uploaded it. Either way, my criticisms still stand, as well as my offer.