Hey guys, I know you guys didnt really like my last puzzle/jump map, so... I made a new one that pretty well done. Unlike my last one this one: cannot be broken merged objects (not everything) only one jump is required (crouch, and only in one spot) new ideas, borrowed ideas, and puzzles from some of my other maps. NOTE: This puzzle is meant for one player only! Did that big orange sentance scare you when you first saw it? well live with it! Ok and now what you've all been waiting for, PICTURES! A SMALL ROOM OMG!, oh and a sniper (wonder what thats for...) Yay another room, but this time there isn't a way out a broken lift... I guess i have to fix it huh? hmm... a shield door and a soccer ball, and also a place i can't see... interesting... How the heck am I going to block this thing, I cant be in 2 places at once, *says inquizetavely: or can I?* Yay, my eyes hurt! could someone give me a grav lift? Then at the happy face room (reward room) try and find the exclamation mark (really not that hard to find, and if you can't you're seriously blind...) Well I guess it's time for the linky links! and remember this map is made for 1 person only Map:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=58769331 HAVE FUN Note: this gametype was not correct, It had malfunctioned when I was testing, the right one will be up momentarily Sorry for any issues this may have caused, The gametype is now set and ready.
I don't play much puzzle maps but I decided to check this one out and it looks pretty easy.But the second to last picture I think looks nice and the map you can't get ouyt of.
Hey this isn't a bad puzzle. I especially like the name. The interlocks you do are good, and seems pretty fun. Good work
please do not triple post cause you can get infracted fr it, and this looks pretty sexy (that is coming from THE sexy dude) (lol)
Looks like an ok map. I will be checking this out. I will do my best at finding all the breaks, glitches, etc. (After I beat it of course.) I'll get back to you with hints and tips.
I will give this a go.. I'll report with results/details soon! Edit1: I suggest making it so you have infinite ammo. Also, I broke it =P
ok you did, i would love to know how just send me a message, unless it's in the last part... also the point of no infinite ammo is to make it that much harder, it is possible, and infact my friends and I come out with extra ammo too...
This map looks neat.You can't tell much from the pics.The only thing you should do is add a better description.I like puzzles so i'll download it.Nice job
What i can see here looks pretty good, but obviously, what i can see isn't enough, the thread's pretty short.. if you're after inspiration for improvement or more unique ideas, i advise looking at the direction of Buddhacrane (note spelling may be wrong); but he's created the best puzzle maps i've ever seen. what i've seen here looks not like a challenge, but a three minute waste of time, not saying its terrible, i'm saying it's pretty average and you should really look for improvement before you'll find mass d/l rates. Anyway, good luck for future progress I'll give the map a three out of 5.
I want to try this out but i am unable to do so for a while, as my Xbox LIVE is down. I'll queue this up then play it later and come back with a review.
well, for the person who said they got out of the soccer ball area I couldn't find any way what so ever so sorry bout that