It all really depends on what gametype you're using, and how the map is built. If you have a close quarters map, it's going to be different from a map with more space. I suggest you download maps that have the type of map you plan have. Then observe what weapons they used. Make sure you vary between maps.
IDK much about Mlg, but from what I understand the rule of thumb is: No mancannons No Powerups No shield doors No grav lifts 2-4 base map Symmetrical? Or Semi-symmetrical? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just trying to help out. Oh, and no fuel rods, or splazers I think.
MLG Accepted weapons BR Carbine Mauler Rockets (1 only) Sniper (not recommended on foundry forged maps) plasma pistol NO EQUIPMENT No default OV, if you want OV make it a custom powerup (the MLG gametype OV), camo isn't used that much. ManCannons are OK, but not usually used on foundry maps b/c of its small size Shield doors are definitely NOT recommended 2+ bases usually, it doesn't have to be symmetrical, just if you make an a-symmetrical MLG map make sure it is balanced. Thats the main things, most of the bottom are just guidelines, feel free to use them but they usually dont work well with the MLG style.