This has happened to me several times. I will be in forge and start a new round. The game will end and everything since my last save is gone! WtF.
After 36 (or is it 32?) rounds in forge mode, the game ends. I don't know why Bungie made it that way, but it's rather annoying. The best thing you can do is to save very often, and try to keep count of how many rounds you are on. Best of luck, keep up the forging :]
I want to say its after 24 rounds, but either way, Mastar has it right. Save VERY often. I like to save after pretty much every successful geometry item placed, because this will eventually happen if you aren't paying attention
Sometimes myself I will end the game and I have no idea why I do it. Once time a did it and lost a whole map because of it. Just save every couple of rounds just in case you end teh game or the power goes out or something ya just another one of those things bungie added idk why
Word thanks for all the reassurance. I had gotten into the save-often habit on the last map I was building. Started this one and completely forgot about it. I was racing through it too
What I like to do is end it every 10-15 rounds so it resets. That way I can ontrol my saves and when it ends.