I got my Two for One Laser Kill!No I did not set this up,two ghost's happened to ram each other and I saw it as an opportunity...so ya. I just thought that the screenshot looked really cool and wanted to share it. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
They say that is one of the easiest ways to get the achievement but not for me. I just happened to see one noob chasing another noob and I took the opportunity.
I still need this achievment -_-. Congratulations on getting it. but, the picture isn't anything special sadly.
The achievement actually isn't that hard if you are patient. Or if you get lucky like me lol. I got it on snowbound, two guys just running towards each other. One day I got 2 double lasers on a game on high ground on social slayer. One time I was in the tower and in the base a guy was driving a mongoose with a passenger. BOOM x2 lazor Then later I had the laser again and I was near the bottom of high ground near some rocks. Then I saw some people and ran towards them chargin mah laser. I locked onto one guy and then a ghost flipped up out of no where and I got another double kill with laser.
Ya I got mine with a ghost to lol... I was shooting at the ghost and then a dumbass elite jumps out of nowhere and straight into my reticle as the laser goes off
i actually got mine by trying to laser a mongoose when the mongoose was at the top of a hill on high ground a sniper happened to be in the path of the laser. It was all luck Nice screenie
I got mine by shooting two people who were ARing each other and I killed them before they could finish each other off. The shot isn't bad, it's nothing special but it's still pretty nice.
i got my achievment on construct where i was chargin mah lazer at one dude and another one came around the corner also got a ball shot on the second guy : ] nice way to get it lol just proves those two idiots cant drive lmao
I Rofl'd when i got the achievement. It was on ConstructI think. One guy wasn't playing and the other two were running up to get him. As I charged my lazer the two guys playing tried to beat each toehr down right in front of the guy not playing., I got 3 for 1 rofl.
I got my achievement on snowbound when somebody was trying to jack the ghost. He hopped on the ghost while I was charging and I just aimed and shot. :haha: Win.
i got mine by having two guys ar'ing eachother and when their shields were down, the slightest amount of splash damage managed to kill them both. and about the screenshot.. probably not worth posting.. but still, lucky!