What do you mean? Sreenshots is the way i play halo. Screenshots for me are basically team snipers for others. Or team swat, or campaign. Its just another angle of the game
I was trying to say something more original but I couldn't think of anything. Anyway these are some of the best screenshots I've seen I would really enjoy knowing how you did Split Emotional, rrod, irobot. I really enjoy void walker just looks so professional and just plain cool. I look forward to seeing your upcoming screenshots (if you are working on more)
wow! some of the best pics i have seen. If you will can you send me an xbox live friend request, because I have cool screenshot effects too and maybe they would like tight put together. If you want my GT is bobsagetismyhro. great pics. 15/10
Amazing. Truly amazing. I really enjoy the hard work people put into these pictures. It's awesome. 10/5
A W S O M E I love the one thats called Recon rage if that pic was taking a couple of secs after the mongoose would be on the other side of the map BANG!