The map looks pretty good. I like the reverse Mongoose track. At first I didn't get the concept but I downloaded, checked it out, and now I'm a backwards driving master! Some pretty cool puzzles that you had. 4/5. Good Job.
I played it, and didn't really enjoy it, there are WAY to many teleporter rooms (The ones were you have to take a random guese and jump at the walls hoping that it's the one with the teleporter behind it) and same thing with the turrets. I don't know how many players are intended to be humans and how many are to be zombies, but it seems to me that the humans could just block the portals/destroy the turrets. 2.5/5 for creativity on the mongoose part.
Well I've play tested it pretty well, and I've tried as hard as possible to make it fair to the zombies. It's impossible to block many of the teleporters, the way I set them up. You can get rid of turrets all you like, but they instantly respawn, and in the end, the humans get trapped in the 2nd to final part of the maze (thanks to a glitch I found since there's no weapons on the map, and I can't allow zombies to pick up dead body weapons, or any weapons on the map.) I made it so no matter what, you'll end up getting him, unless he finds a good camping spot, or you don't know how to sneak... Most of the teleporter stuff has to do with specific tricks to make them work correctly, not just finding them and leading you to a different room. Thanks dude, I tried to make it the idea that you shouldn't get the concept until you play it, or else you can figure it out too easily. The backwards driving is probably the easiest room, as the technique is simple. I'm working on a G Trials 3, which is a sequel to my other G Trials maps. The puzzles are much more hard, and the physical challenges are blistering. I had a hard time creating some of the puzzles, much less doing them. I'll be posting it soon, but it won't have Infection, I'll make another Infected trials to do that.
You have to use the goose. If you walk you go through the death tele. You go reverse in the goose to go through it.
I played 10 rounds with a game of 16 people, and nobody, including myself, could get past the room after the mongoose track. I get you jump into the box and get on a mongoose through a wall, but the mongoose wasn't there. I think that's very poorly designed because if you make it too hard for infection, people will quit out, (like the 13 of my party.) Also you can just block the teleporters the mongoose track does, and crouch right through the teleporters. And be as stealthy as a ninja? That doesn't help at all.
I've never had a problem with any of that. The teleporter used to get zombies into the mongoose reverse room work perfectly even if someone is standing in the teleporter. The clues are CLUES not answers, figure it out.
I just don't see the point of this map. I know its a puzzle map and all but i just don't understand it at all
Well, it's a puzzle map, which means you have to figure out how to complete each room. This was only a test to see if you could play infection on a puzzle map, and it worked mostly, but it would be helpful if I could make a system that made it possible to spawn closer to the humans, rather than respawning in the beginning. I'm working on an idea for that system, making it so that the humans create their own demise by having to open up spawn points for the zombies to spawn at, but it would have to be pretty complicated, and hard to make sure that they have to do it.