ME AND THE PROBLEM WITH MY BRAIN/IMAGINATION! I have been trying to think of a map to make with Forge, but I can't think of what to make! How do the people with the really awesome original maps get their ideas? Please help me!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***UPDATE*** I am trying to think of ideas for a competetive map, my infection maps are kinda good... but they are not original. Is it just that I have a lack of imagination or something? ***ANOTHER UPDATE*** I have recently fallen back in love with Halo 3 again, and the only thing I like about it is Forge. So I was looking on Forgehub and found so many new original ideas! Take Purple Base (Or whatever it was called) for example! That level was the best idea I had ever seen! Sticking humans in a base that they cannot get out of, shooting Needlers at zombies as they slowly make there way through an ever changing hallway! Everytime I forge it turns out to be another Infection map! And trust me, if you have seen my infection maps... they aren't the best... Am I cursed forever to making terrible infection maps!? Can I fix this and make some decent maps that me and my friends will enjoy? (And hopefully the Forgehub Community) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP NAMES? How do map makers come up with these crazy names!? Credence for example, has a great name! And is a great map! How do you as a map maker, come up with the name? Most popular maps have names that I have never even heard of! So my main problem is, when you come up with an idea... were does the name come from? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTIONS FROM ME TO YOU 1. Is it best to use the entire map? (Foundry) Or cutting off some of the map? (Explain which part(s)) 2. Should the map include vehicles? (If so, which vehicle(s)) 3. What competetive maps do you favor? The ones that are symmetrical, or the ones that are not symmetrical? 4. What competetive Gametype do you prefer? (MLG, Team Slayer, Multi-Team Slayer, VIP, Capture The Flag, etc...) 5. What are the requirements for a map to be called an MLG map? (Weapon set, Powerups, vehicles, gametype settings) 6. Which do you prefer: Large open maps or Small closed maps? 7. Which do you prefer: Maps with multiple Gametypes or Maps with only one Gametype intended? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *FINAL NOTE* Thank you if you were kind enough to answer my questions, and let's all hope that I make a great map that the Forgehub Community will love and enjoy forever! Atleast untill Sandbox comes that is...
for competitive, 2 bases with only a couple exits and entering and make it a VIP and they try to get to the other base.
Try just some random forging. You don't really need a particular goal in mind, just build some random structures. If you find an idea that seems good readjust and build off that. You can also try building off general game types such as slayer or more specific custom created ones.
they come up with awesome ideas by just forging around and also if you ever have ideas be sure to draw them so you will remember them. Iwould suggest a multi team competitive map i havent seen much of those
you can't force good ideas, just go into forge on foundry canvas and play around with boxes, equipment, and everything, and see if anything pops up. thats what i do, and it seems to work.
well if you wanna make a great map you actually do need a goal inmind you need to know what kind of gameplay you want to have (high low bases) (fast,slow) gameplay what you want to incorporate into your map. After you know what you want start with the 2 bases and what kind of layout you would think would work with certain gametypes.once you know what you want to block off (if you wanna) start making the 2 bases and start leeching on to each base one structure at a time and go over the gameplay in your mind and think about what would work best. do all this and you will make a kick ass competitive map. oh and also weapon placement is key.
My strategy for creating decent maps is to just go into forge and build two bases, Then the rest of the map kinda comes to me.
I Agree! But you could just remake maps for popular games. Example : I liked the bull fight game but the level used was stupid. To tell you all the truth, I remade alot of levels. Bullfight, Cops and Robbers (staion 69), Omega Journy (Mine's call The Omega Trip) and Monster Jam I'm considering wack-a-mole but I'll wait till it's popular. People think the maps I made for those games are so much more fun!. Do you see what I'm saying though? here's ideas: Bomb the castle Storm the house Tourny (like after time stars spawn for you rest oppenant.) A Giant Box made out of pure sheild doors with mongooses inside
I would suggest you get ideas from things in real life. Iff you see sopmethign in real life if you can forge it thats would be great. 1. Is it best to use the entire map? (Foundry) Or cutting off some of the map? (Explain which part(s)) I think you should block off the back of foundry definetely. After that you should just take off alittle more. Never make a map that is too small. 2. Should the map include vehicles? (If so, which vehicle(s)) Only medium sized maps should include vehicles.If theres a ghost,put one and make sure its somewhere where anyone can get it. Warthogs should only be in team games and each team should get one. Never use gauss. 3. What competetive maps do you favor? The ones that are symmetrical, or the ones that are not symmetrical? I favor symetrical because it takes more tactica and skill to work as a team and succeed. 4. What competetive Gametype do you prefer? (MLG, Team Slayer, Multi-Team Slayer, VIP, Capture The Flag, etc...) Hate MLG, but thats my opinion. CTF, KOTH and slayer are my favorties. 5. What are the requirements for a map to be called an MLG map? (Weapon set, Powerups, vehicles, gametype settings) Only Battle Rifles, snipers, rockets, maulers and.... i think thats it. I dont like mlg so i dont know much about it. im pretty sure noo power ups though. 6. Which do you prefer: Large open maps or Small closed maps? Well i dont like small maps ( Teny tiny ) for example vertebraille is the samllest a map should be. Large maps should have lots of cover. I prefer large maps. 7. Which do you prefer: Maps with multiple Gametypes or Maps with only one Gametype intended? I think maps should include at least 3 gametypes that way you can play it over and over without getting bored of it. As for how i get my names of maps im not sure. Tv shows, wierd words with wierd meanings, you really just have to look around. About your infection map problems. Before you make a map u should really brainstorm and thing about where everything is gonna go. No you dont have to think of every last detail but think about how a weapon can effect the gameplay.Try to make areas where people cannot camp because things like that ruin the gameplay. Make sure , before you make a map, no one has ever done that idea or that its origonal.
Re: 1. Is it best to use the entire map? (Foundry) Or cutting off some of the map? (Explain which part(s)) I use everything, but alot of the good maps I've seen cut the back part off. It all comes down to personal preference, I suppose. 2. Should the map include vehicles? (If so, which vehicle(s)) If you cut off the back part of the map, don't use vehicles. If you put the bases into the back part and have like some symmetrical No-man's land in the main part, you could maybe use some vehicles. Make sure its easy to get to, and you can actually drive it around. And if your maps for teams, make sure each team gets one. Don't use gauss hogs though. Or tanks. 3. What competetive maps do you favor? The ones that are symmetrical, or the ones that are not symmetrical? It depends on my mood really. I'd opt for symmetrical over non-symmetrical competitively. Non-symmetrical should only be used for like 1 flag, 1 bomb, you know. 4. What competetive Gametype do you prefer? (MLG, Team Slayer, Multi-Team Slayer, VIP, Capture The Flag, etc...) Well I just recently started MLG, and that seems pretty competitive. I prefer competitive Team Doubles (2v2) the most. But I also made my own competitive gametypes for FFA,Team Slayer, and Team Objective. 5. What are the requirements for a map to be called an MLG map? (Weapon set, Powerups, vehicles, gametype settings) I just started MLG, but I know that its like BR's, Mauler, Plasma & Frag Grenades, Sniper, and I think thats it. I know there's no Power-Ups though. 6. Which do you prefer: Large open maps or Small closed maps? Again, it depends on my mood. I try to even it out in my maps. I like to make the Bases large, but with small corridors and such. I then make the No-man's Land (the space between the bases) large and with a lot of cover. Cover is key. Without cover, it can easily make a map one-sided in terms of gameplay. 7. Which do you prefer: Maps with multiple Gametypes or Maps with only one Gametype intended? I like maps with one gametype intended. But I also like those maps to at least be compatible with other gametypes. It stinks when you try to play something else and then everybody spawns right next to each other, you know? I usually name my maps when I'm finished with it. Before that, though, the names I give it are just working titles. When I finish the map, I play through it with friends and whatever word(s) come to my head while I'm playing, I'll name it something along those lines. Unless the name has Arck in it. That comes from my childhood, when my friends would play some really lame LARP type game with sticks. I grew out of the sticks, but the name stayed with me till now.
ANSWERS FROM ME TO YOU 1. Is it best to use the entire map? (Foundry) Or cutting off some of the map? (Explain which part(s)) Well for foundry it all depends on what kind of map you're making and the gameplay of the map. If you want to make a competitive map that is like 4v4 then the back area and the hallway doesn't seem to be good since it attracts nade spamming. However if you want your game to revolve around an area like the hallway then use it. It all depends on your gametype, gameplay and structural choice. 2. Should the map include vehicles? (If so, which vehicle(s)) Again lets say you use foundry to forge. There are two basic questions to answer yourself first: Do you want vehicles or should there be vehicles? Now if you want vehicles the area should be open enough for a vehicle to drive smoothly around, but not to open where a person can die from a battle rifle on the other side of the map. If you've already made the map and considering vehicles ask yourself this: Can the vehicle be useful and will it not be a power weapon (like rape everyone if you use it)? 3. What competetive maps do you favor? The ones that are symmetrical, or the ones that are not symmetrical? This question is a very personal and opinionated question. But personaly i like non-symmetrical maps more than symmetrical maps because they are very unique. Symmetrical maps can be unique when the symmetry is flawless and the aesthetics are wondurous. For gameplay i also like non-symmetrical maps more than symmetrical. 4. What competetive Gametype do you prefer? (MLG, Team Slayer, Multi-Team Slayer, VIP, Capture The Flag, etc...) I can play anything except for MLG, unless i'm just playing with friends. I may not be good at all of them, but i like them all. 5. What are the requirements for a map to be called an MLG map? (Weapon set, Powerups, vehicles, gametype settings) I don't play MLG that much, so i really don't know. What i do know is that you start with battlerifles usually, which is obvious. That's all i know lol. 6. Which do you prefer: Large open maps or Small closed maps? For gameplay large open maps and small closed maps are not the best, but they can be if you put the right vehicles or weapons in them. I like medium sized maps because you won't die that much from an unknown bullet on the other side of the map or get grenade spammed in a cramped hallway or corner. 7. Which do you prefer: Maps with multiple Gametypes or Maps with only one Gametype intended? If the map is competitive then there are usually more gametypes which is more fun. However if it's a competitive map intended for one gametype that is also okay, as long as that gametype is balanced for the teams. Now if it's a infection map then it is usually has one gametype. I like the multiple gametype maps. NAMING MAPS The way i name maps is by finishing my map first and then see how i forge it, what it looks like, and sometimes for the outside world. I also use the thesaurus to find a word that is a lot cooler than the more common known word. Or i merge two words together like Nova with Stratum: Novastratum, sounds cool right?
1. Is it best to use the entire map? (Foundry) Or cutting off some of the map? (Explain which part(s)) Now that REALLY depends... the new style right now is LARGE maps no longer is it closed hallways n such... so i say ALL of it in my opinion 2. Should the map include vehicles? (If so, which vehicle(s)) Well that depends also... when i create a map i come up with a concept i want to use like a grid is my recent with a ghost that can easily operate... but i would stay away from warthogs w/ cannons LAWL... and mogooses can work well if u forge to the idea of a mongoose 3. What competetive maps do you favor? The ones that are symmetrical, or the ones that are not symmetrical? Personally i like to see ppl shake it up with assmetrical... but a good symetrical map (arperture) are nice also 4. What competetive Gametype do you prefer? (MLG, Team Slayer, Multi-Team Slayer, VIP, Capture The Flag, etc...) Well they need to play for all... one of my big mistakes when i started was building it too one.. but a big one is terr. for me as well as Slayer of course... 5. What are the requirements for a map to be called an MLG map? (Weapon set, Powerups, vehicles, gametype settings) well u would have to look... all human... and no tele... and such 6. Which do you prefer: Large open maps or Small closed maps? Large open (well actuall Large) 7. Which do you prefer: Maps with multiple Gametypes or Maps with only one Gametype intended? Multiple... but not one u have to DL.... like others have said i form one main structure... like the bases or center or generall idea for walls and entrances and then just use fill up for the rest... look at most maps... u can tell what they decieded while they were forging...
I just seem to always have a map idea in mind. I guess I just have an active imagination. I am not exaggerating here, when I say I have more than 5 probable map ideas, and a few that are sitting in the back of my head. Just look around you, or look around at others' maps. I always build ideas and maps around a central theme.
To help you with the names thing something I try to do is find something about the map that stands out like for instance "water" if you have a map that has like a river or stream of somesort find the name in greek and it sounds like a really good name. Water in greek is Neroh. Hope this helped
Really, it is best to have a drawing or 3D computer design(like sketchup) before you begin, and THEN decide how much space you need. Then again, Foundry's U shape can provide some decent gameplay if you use it properly. Basically, you need to know from the beginning what you're doing. I would stay away from vehicles unless you're forging a big map like Standoff Rat's Nest or Avalanche. I absolutely LOVE 2 Flag, so symmetric maps will nearly always win this in my heart. HOWEVER there are more than a few great Slayer Oddball and KOTH maps that are not symmetric. Again, it comes down to your plan. Build a great asymmetric Oddball or King map and it will almost certainly support Slayer as well. Eh, just answered that. But I would advise against trying to build whatever the community votes for and just make sure the map you build supports the gametypes you want it to. If you love Oddball, and you have a couple ideas for rooms or bases that would support sweet Ball setups, build that map. Just make sure to give some variety. A map with only one good ball setup room isn't going to work well, but a map like Guardian which has several viable spots is great. Weapons: Battle Rifle Carbine Sniper Rifle Rocket Launcher Mauler Plasma Pistol Frag Grenades Plasma Grenades Active Camo Custom Powerup(in place of Overshield) The only gametype setting I would worry about when building a specifically MLG map is 110% move speed, and the weapon set. Make sure the 110% speed doesn't make jumps possible that break gameplay. Can I say both? I like vehicular combat, but I also like the smaller arena type combat. For a truly unique map though, I'd aim smaller just because of the item limits in Forge. If you try to forge all of Avalanche, you're going to end up with... Avalanche plus some items. Absolutely 100% I prefer maps that were built with one gametype in mind. Build a good CTF, oddball, or King map and it will support Slayer as well. CTF maps usually also support Assault quite well. This again comes down to your plan and design. Construct is clearly not a CTF map, but it is still a favorite of many. Why? Because it runs Slayer and KOTH so well.
Parts to cut off: The back rooms and the splitter section Try and make the map asymettrical. There aren't enough asymettrical maps out there Or, better yet, make the map non-foundry. You don't have to, just everyone makes Foundry maps. Make it infection friendly!
Look in your thesarus and look up symenyms for stuff like Exitement and Stratagy. Thats how I come up with names for maps. Fare warning, DON'T PUT A FREAKIN WRAITH on your map!! Or evan a warthog unless your dedicating your map to vehicle carnage.