Last Stand V.4 Created by Frigoc1 [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer Gametypes; Recommended: Rockets [br] Map Description Last Stand V.4 is a map I made that use the technique of timed effects. At the start, it looks like a pretty empty map, but eventualy, after three minutes, the map is complete. When you take a look at my pictures, and in forge, it doesn't give a good first impression. But, once you take the rockets out, and play with like 4-8 people, it's wicked fun. Note: the pics are before the three minutes, so it's not the full map completely. Oh ya, and it's kinda like a maze at times. Edit: I just realized how small the pics were, sorry. Also, I can play all day if you wanna try it out with me before downloading it. It a map that starts as just a couple walls and a two-way teleporter. As time goes on, more stuff is added such as fusion coils, power-ups, and the three "tower of powers". What these towers are are just smalls "towers" that have a bubble sheild on each, and unlimited firebomb grenades. Players will fight for these towers to make it a fast-paced rockets game with 4-8 players. It's kind of a maze at some times, and the full map isn't revealed until three minutes into the game. Some areas will get blocked off, and some new areas will open. I can't really describe it more, but ill be happy to play it with you and 2 other friends to give you a preview of it. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Overview 1 [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Overview 2 [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Overview 3 [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thank you to all the people that try this map, and I hope you enjoy it. Please don't forget to leave feedback. [br] Download Last Stand V.4 Here, not Last Stand V.3! [br]
Re: Awesome Last Stand V.4 map (don't judge by pictures) I'm feeling this map but I'm feeling the Curtis martin pic in your signature even more. That man is a g. However before I diziwnload it, can u give me more of a description cause I could care less how long it took or whether u think it is good or not. I care about the map
Re: Awesome Last Stand V.4 map (don't judge by pictures) It a map that starts as just a couple walls and a two-way teleporter. As time goes on, more stuff is added such as fusion coils, power-ups, and the three "tower of powers". What these towers are are just smalls "towers" that have a bubble sheild on each, and unlimited firebomb grenades. Players will fight for these towers to make it a fast-paced rockets game with 4-8 players. It's kind of a maze at some times, and the full map isn't revealed until three minutes into the game. Some areas will get blocked off, and some new areas will open. I can't really describe it more, but ill be happy to play it with you and 2 other friends to give you a preview of it. so ne1 got ne critisism for me?
I've played V.3 so I'm curious as to what changes/improvements you've made. I'll take a look. PS - Your Subject should only read the map name, so it should read "Last Stand V.4" and not "Awesome Last Stand V.4 Map....ect" Its one of the rules at forge hub that we all have to follow.
o sorry, i didn't know...the main thing i changed is that, like if you play with like anything other than rockets (like shotguns) there are turrets on each tower of power thing....and i also added a third tower of power with some more power-ups and stuff....
We do not double post or bump threads around here. You've done it more than once in this thread alone. Don't do it again. If you double post again in this thread or any of your other threads, it will be locked. You might also receive a temporary ban. Thanks.
I would consider downloading this map IF you get better screen shots. I've looked at version 3 and version 4 and they are the same pictures. You know it doesn't take that long to fly around your map in forge and snap a few screen shots for inquiring minds..
o, srry about doubling....and, how about i just play a custom on there with you on my map b4 you download it?
Re: Awesome Last Stand V.4 map (don't judge by pictures) Go back and interlock all of these objects and it will look a lot nicer!
Hey Frigoc, this is the map that me you and Ferrari played on right? If it is it was a very fun map to play on, gametypes like rockets, shotguns, and zombies worked very well on this map.
stop bumping! But nice map. It looks more like it is a maze than a competitive map. I think you should've posted this in casual maps.
Looks ok, not sure if I'd DL even if I had heroic map pack :S But never the less It looks like you put a lot of time into it and I appreciate that in a map. ~Billy Reloaded PS
srry about the bumping....and, hopefully, a mod will move it to casual......i think this'll be the last version though, cause i wanna start making zombie maps.......
k, i adding a few more pics........ [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img]