Occasionally when I look a my friends list on the dashboard then press B to go back it freezes the xbox. Does anybody else have this problem? It was happening a lot yesterday, but I have not had this problem yet today.
Happened to me twice, not sure what it is but about 30 seconds later it unfroze. I thought it was because I was watching Netflix for like 8 straight hours and maybe I was over heating, but since it happened to you too it must not be.
In your case, that is a good thing because your xbox will not explode soon. I just think that their servers went crazy yesterday and it should be fixed soon.
When my brother signs in on his account, he has to accept the new terms and conditions before he can sign in to xbl. The problem is, that whenever he tries to accept the Terms and conditions, the xbox freezes up and won't load the terms and conditions. All he can do is press B and go back. Our internet connection is not the problem. It's the xbox. It worked fine when I did it on my account. Anyone help with this>
Just try these things again later. If you try in hour intervals, for a couple of days and it still doesn't work, then try phoning the Microsoft.
I have the same problem everytime I go on my friends list then back out it seems to freeze and I think its permanent so i turn my xbox off and turn it back on. Idk why just something they have to fix
its just slow not frozen it has to load all the animations of all your friends along with their avatars and the games and parties etc etc
Don't worry, whatever it is isn't permanent. It was freezing last night on my friends screen, but now it never does it. Just give it time.
Mine froze too, but I'm sure it's just that too many people are downloading and stuff. Pretty sure Microsoft will fix it up. I sure hope so.
My xbox has been freezing up ever since the update. Then today I got the Red Rings for the third time. I am so pissed off right now.
You forgot the capital letters! Lol. Yep, it happened to me yesterday, I was editing my avatar, saved and quit but I forgot to take a photo, so I went back into it, and my Xbox freezes with a black screen. I just turn it off and back on again.