It is unhuman! Sick! I can not describe what I feel about what happened in a town not far away from the place where I live. The baby Siri had to suffer a turture that was unhuman. In the age of two months, the parents startet to torture her. The took the baby and threw it against the wall-again and again. The beat her up, they broke her legs, They took her and threw her against the ceiling and the wall until she died when she was eight months old, by a swelling of her brain. Everything they did had they on camera-they made videos and photos.
Damn, what made them have the motive to do that. That is so terrible for parents that are supposed to care for you, start killing you when you are a helpless little 2 year old. I just don't see why there are people out there that would do that, and then make a damn video about it. Sorry, but it really pisses me off. Oh, and in your title are you saying that germany does or does not have a death penalty.