Maze Created by actualdoor death2elites a maze map made by actualdoor and death2elites Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: maze gameype this is my first map posted on forge hub. it is a maze map i made in the course of a week i decided to make this after i played all of BuddhaCrane's maze's. i also used his infinite money map. i tried to make it alot longer but the map messed up lol and i was almost out of stuff. i dont think this map is that hard, but if you need to i will post a video tutorial. this map was tested a few times and you cant get out alone. it was tested by a few of my friends, me and death2elites but his new account is actualpain for my clan =p. try to do this maze by yourself without anyone helping.(head jumping or telling you what to do lol). just telling everyone and i cant say this enough, you need the regenerator at the beggining of the maze for later... this map is not possible to do alone with out the regen. this is easier to do if your connection host and a spartan due to radar jumping. i am new to posting on forge hub. i added more pictures =) and they are not in order Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch there is some radar jumping involed [/URL][/img] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Download Maze Download maze gametype
You should really get some more pics, and try to detail your map more... we don't even see any part of the maze except for the spawning room...
you should post a pic of most (if not all) rooms. and if its just one room than thats bad. and u dont need to put TITLE:, MESSAGE BODY: etc. um. ill dl to see how it is, but u should seroiusly update the post. i know your new so i wont say anything else but welcome to forgehub. ill post a rating later. EDITZORZ: u did pretty good. you used a lot of great ideas. u went outside the map and everything. which was hard. id say 5/5. great job. AND TO MACE: join date; september 2008. so thats september OCTOBER, november. its okay if u didnt pass 2nd grade... and besides, it doesnt matter how long ive used forgehub. i can rate a map as well as u or anybody else.
lol, both of you above me, this is a maze map, he doesnt need to give it away in his post and also, i wouldnt be talking solo, you joined last month props for your first post btw actual door, good luck in the future
sweet! cant wait to be ungrounded to play this. i love puzzle/ maze maps hope u did a good job and im glad i know equipment jumping lol hope its a challage!
Because you've been here so much longer... From the few pictures, the map looks good, if not sloppy in parts. However, I realize that this is a puzzle map and therefore doesn't need to look good. I'll DL it when I get my Xbox working again.
All of you should stop with your seniority fight and get back to focusing on the map at hand and stop making garbage pointless posts. The map you've put up here Actual looks fairly good from the pics I have seen. Also I believe that a Maze or Puzzle Map doesn't or shouldn't need alot of pics, I do believe you could provide a few more for the sake of the curious. Try to get shots that don't give anything away but still give us a tad of insight.
What u have showed us is realy no that great. i have no idea what the rest of the map is. do i have to download to find out? personly, i dont think it is worthy enough for me to download. lol. show more pics and i may give it a try
This looks like a pretty good level and I like it. No afense to other puzzle makers, but most people dont take the time to geomerge and interlock. This level involves those and wile you do not need them in puzzle maps, it makes them better. I like the ideas in this map and they do look challenging. download when i have space and a 5/5