My newest and hardest puzzle map ever is here! It is completely possible but I doubt you will make it through. You will not and i repeat NOT make it through this map. You will be utterly and devastatingly exhausted by the end of this map. Good Luck! Saito 100's idea of the sniper ricochet gave me ideas for this map. REQUIRES THE GAMETYPE FOR PROPER PLAYTHROUGH!! Gametype Edit by Asper49: Topic title changed to the maps name on Bnet. Please read the Guidelines before posting.
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! You need embedded pictures and a download link! This post does not meet the rules...
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! Here is the map to it But im not downloading it because it does not meet the rules please read on how to post your map please
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! Bah I'm stuck on one bit, I can do everything getting up to it and (using forge to skip that part) I can do everything after it, it's just this one annoying bit I can't do. I never have to ask for help completing puzzle maps but clearly I'm missing something here. It's the bit where you blow up the fusion coils so you can grab a mongoose through a wall, then once your inside that room I can't get out of it, the room is filled with fusion coils and at one side there is a door on its side with a teleporter behind it. I'm assuming I need to get to that teleporter, yet I can't for the life of me figure out how. I've tried getting the mongoose sideways, I've tried hooch jumping through the gap above the door, I just can't get to that damn teleporter, so how do I do it? Ironically the rest of it is easy, I got it all pretty quick, it's just this one bit. I did like the first mongoose bit though (with the low ceiling) that was something I hadn't seen before (though you have to do something very similar with a turret in my puzzle map) P.S Try out my TERRORtories map, it's also pretty tough and might give you some ideas if you make more puzzle maps (which you should, this one was pretty good)
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! First, off there's no need for pics in this map because i don't want to give anything away. Second, there are links. The 'here!" at the beginning is the map and the "gametype" at the end is the gametype. Third, sorry that door was put there by a friend of mine will i was revising. it shouldn't be there.
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! Oh my god, so the only bit I found hard shouldn't even be there. I guess you were right in your post when you said this couldn't be completed. I hope you've fixed that otherwise no one can complete your map, which would be a bit pointless.
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! 1> welcome to forgehub 2> This post title should be same as map title 3> Embed pics 4> Map link :'(
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! yeah this isn't the bungie forums, we're actualy civilized.
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! And if this is so easy why don't you send me a vid hmm? and screw pics i don't want to give anything away. also there is a link to the new fixed one.
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! Not the best way to get known in ForgeHub, I would advise putting time into your posts. Write out a description, give us pictures (remember to embed), make us want your map. It works a little differently here then
Re: Confused. I don't particularly wish to waste my few file share slots (all of which are being used) to provide video proof, but I can assure you this is pretty easy as far as I'm concerned. I can provide a text walkthrough of exactly what I did if you really really want me to.
Re: Confused. Sorry about the out burst there; I was pissed that day. And I would prefer not to put in pics for this map but I will be for my next aesthetics map which will be out sometime in the next week or so.
Re: Confused. After tht messed up part is fixed this map is nothin compared to TERRORtories i felt that this one could of had been longer cuz the map has tons of wasted space