Hello fellow forgers. I'm about to take on a really extreme forge/film project, and I need some help before I start, regarding explosions. First off, let me try to explain what I need help with. In the gametype, the damage will be set to max damage/instant kill. So, when I shoot a fusion coil with a single shot, it will instantly explode. However, I need to create a explosion as quick as shooting a instantly-exploding fusion coil, but with a green explosion. I was thinking I could quickly lay down a regenerator, and shoot it as soon as it appears. Is there a better way to do this? I apologize if that isn't too clear, but I can't find a way to explain it any better without revealing any details of the project (which as of now I am currently forbidden to do). Thank you so much for your help! -Skill Caster
Well, regenerators don't blow up, so unless you are talking about blowing up the fusion coil with a regenerator running to give the appearance of a green explosion, then you're sunk on this idea. But, you might be able to throw the regenerator right behind a fusion coil, but have your camera at an angle where you can't really see the regen fall, and then shoot the coil right as it activates.
Oh, so a when a regenerators explodes (by being shot) it doesn't explode green? I know regenerators do blow up if it takes enough damage, and I figure with the damage resistance set to instant kill it will take one shot to blow it up, like other recruitment.
Well, as far as I know, they don't blow up until their timer runs out, I have tried pointlessly to do it in normal mode, I've thrown regular grenades, stickies, spikers, flame, and I have unloaded full br clips from point blank, plus melee multiple times. From what I have seen, they are the one piece of equipment that is invulnerable. Maybe it is because it regenerates it's own health, perhaps the instant kill would work, but when they blow up at the end of their timer, it looks just like a bubble shield going away, it is a tiny little explosion that is sort of whitish gold. You may have something with the instant kill setting, so good luck, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high on that.
explosions are generally brief, so if you're filming a movie, it's going to be hard to keep up the explosion for any length of time. you might try having the regenerator instantly spawn and having a partner of yours throw down a bunch consecutively. in the spot where he's throwing them have a fusion coil set to instantly spawn and have another partner way off screen continually shoot at the coils with a sniper. this frees you up for whatever you'd want to do.
What? I've destroyed them countless times. ARs, Snipers, Magnums, any physical or explosive weapon. You can also melee.