The new dashboard update allows you to Install games onto your Xbox 360 Hard Drive. What I don't understand is why you still need the disk. What's the point of taking 15 minutes to take up HD space if the effect isn't noticeable?
Yeah, wtf. I don't understand it either. On Halo3 it actually has a negative effect, so thats 6.3 GB's to make your game run slower? I really hate this **** so far. In the party chats everyone always lags out. then at marketplace everything takes years to load. Some stuff isn't even there. I know it's because it's new, but if it isn't ready they should have pushed it back.
It allows you to use the game without spinning the disk, so you have a less likely chance to get RRoD. so i've heard
Y35 that would make sense I guess but thats just wierd, i think they shouldnt have it at all......i liked the old dashboard....sad face...
With battlefield, you get a noticeable difference in loading times. If you were to just install the game and not have the disc, people would be able to play games without even buying the game. All they would have to do is borrow their friend's copy of Gears 2 for about 15 min, then never ask for it again. It's about money.
This is what I figured it was about, which made no sense after i rethought it.. if you had gamefly, life would see no point. also the bulges in the pockets of the gaming industry would cry :cry:
Well then game companies would lose lot's of money not selling copies of their games because all people can do is rent, but I know what you mean.