Actually I don't think any of the guys from H3C made it to the final testing. I do have ideas for possible improvement if Shishka denies it: - Usage of back hallway. The two sides would be divided, but it could provide safe spawning, and in the weapon-rack room would be the new bubble shield (Moved from ghost box), and a smexy geomerged fence wall for aesthetics and complication of the back hallway. The geomerged fence would be right in the middle of the back hallway room. - Redo the middle wall for aesthetics and smoothness - nothing gameplay wise would be changed. - Possible geomerging of the bridge hills for aesthetics. - Not sure on this one, but maybe bigger sniper towers, redone with different geometry, with one side of each tower having a wall for cover?
Seeing as you have $135 left of budget, I think you should definitely incorporate the back hallways in the map. Also you should definitely add a shield door in the middle of that fence so you can't get shot at upon spawning. Also geomerging the bridge hills would help as well seeing as grenades have the possibility to slide and on one of the bridge hills a grenade easily slips through a hole on the side of it, geomerging them would definitely fix that problem. Another suggestion, maybe add more frag grenades to the map, a set of two near each of the team's base and two that are at a neutral spot. I noticed there were 0 and seeing as the map uses almost all of foundry, it is slower paced than the square maps and its harder to get nades. This map is great though and hope it makes it into MM.
I think using the back hallway would be great, and would bring a new element of play to this map, which I actually think would work rather well! Not so sure about larger sniper towers, although they could be in need of a bit more cover, maybe that's just me (Even though I said I enjoyed the lack of cover up there in a recent post, damn contradictions)
No, in the back hallway, the middle is blocked off with a door - you can in no way get to the other team through there. You know the large, whiteish rooms at each end of the back hallway? That's where the fence wall would be. I might add a couple frag grenades, but you're usually okay in terms of having spare nades, with the solid eight plasma nades too. My improvements are all perspective, and they would only be made if Shishka denies this map (Hopefully not).
I got what you meant, keep working on that new map of yours for now and finish at least one version of it without going back to Fissure, just for now, so you can get V1 of that map out of the way.
Oh, Sam, the new map is very far from V1. I'm taking my time on that one - I have only that back structure along with the two geomerged walls, and I'm starting over on the slanted double box. Right now, my priority is touching up older maps such as Facility and posting them, then V1 of my SketchUp project. Nice new sig btw.
I get you, if you do get round to touching up your older maps and posting them you'll be on a roll Are you going to be making any more maps that are 'closed in' similar to the map I showed you the other day? Thanks, I made it earlier today, I think it's my best so far.
I saw you recommended this to Shishka and I can honestly say that I would not veto this. The dezign is great, and it is at the same time symmetrical and asymmetrical. Kind of like Standoff. I love maps like that and I am a huge fan of this one. While you tested it though I found that there were some aspects that could be improved on. The snipers are to dominant, the ghosts can control the entire ground and the amount of power weapons made the gameplay a little to Kaotic. If you fix these problems I could see Shiska putting this into MM. So right now, based on the testing, 4/5
I'm a bit surprised to hear that. The snipers can be dominant if you just try to sneak past them, but they're very easy to kill, and I hardly noticed them throughout the match, except when Insane started locking down with it. I'm especcially surprised at the ghost and power weapons part - the majority of battles are between BR - BR, BR - Carbine, or Carbine - Carbine, because they are the power of this map. Ghosts are usually blown to smitherines with the brute shot, or more likely hijacked. I'm going to review the game films again and take a look from your point of view.
The H3C Review H3C Review is a new review that I have just created. I gather not only personal knowledge and personal game play from myself now but I also take it from fellow forgers and H3Customers. H3C has played this ever since v1 all the way through the latest versions and have been to almost all of the testing sessions. The H3C Review is not up for request so do not private message any H3C personnel. The reviews that are done are only chosen. Playability Fissure 8.3, as you can tell, plays great in a Team Slayer game and should be on any competitive player’s hard drive. It brings the sniper in a totally new perspective. Since it is such an open map, you would think the sniper is overpowering but if you play the game you will find out that it actually not. The sniper can easily be mutinied when in any of the towers. Not to mention that the towers fit perfectly in with the scheme of game play to balance each side so no team can have the upper hand. The fusion coils in the tower also explode on impact if the sniper just so happens to accidentally strife and shoot in a direction or other players can take advantage and shoot it themselves. While few to no spawn problems occur in a single game it runs pretty flawless. Anyone could easily chuck a well placed ‘nade off of one of the perfect proportioned geometric angles and rack up a multi-kill. Fissure ushers in a new unique kind of game play while managing a fun yet same ol’ classic of a game. TS <<9/10>> CTF <<8/10>> Spawning There is only one real big spawn issue where I managed to get a triple assassination. When to of the opposite team are fighting on the "Crane" Side of the map, usually one person always spawns right on the bridge ramp thing. I think you already know this problem though, I hope it will be fixed. The spawn system itself is pretty fun, when you grab the enemy flag in CTF; they usually spawn in their sniper tower. Now it’s almost impossible for a lone flag carrier to get back home without dying. Your team defenders or respawners now must rush back to the halfway mark and flank out the opposing team. Then the opposing team will still have enough time to get a few respawns in before its finally captured. It’s a team-based map, so this comes logically. Spawn System <<8.5/10>> Respawning <<7.5/10>> Durability Fissure will want you coming back for more. Sometimes though, the game play can turn into a stalemate in CTF and will want you to just end it after one team has 1. Which is why I prefer asymmetric games. Fissure will stay on my hard drive for a very long time. Durability <<7/10>> Aesthetics and POV: The H3C review does not judge aesthetics. Never judge a map by its looks. It could be the best-looking map but it will never be as good as a solid game play review. Also, this review does not apply to anybody else besides the people who contributed their opinions and time to test this map for this individual review so do not quote this.
Very nice review Furry, all of what you said is true, although I have to say I've never come across any spawn problems, other than occasionally facing a wall, but that's just how they were placed, so not exactly a problem.
In front of the bridge ramp, they kept respawning when I was in a BR battle a few feet away from it. I don't know how, it was really weird. The weird thing about it was that no spawn area really weighted it down.
Yeah, whatever caused that is NOT in the MM version, so that won't happen. I don't know either, it's like it negated all other spawn points and created an infinite black hole of lamesauce. Won't be a problem in the MM version.
Nice, clean sharp-looking map. I DL'd and after a forge-through, the effort put into this map is apparent (beside the fact it's been re-done 8.3 times). I like the bridge ramps and wall structure by the rockets. I also agree about the cover. I give this 5/5 for sure and +rep
The map hasn't been "redone," it has had significant gameplay changes 83 times. So much, that you wouldn't recognize its first build if you put it side-by-side with this map. I never upgraded aesthetics and tacked up another number. Each of these changes are an example of a new version: - Addition of Sniper Towers. - Addition of 2 bridge hills. - Shift from warthog and chopper to just one ghost. - Complete redesign of sniper towers. - Addition of objective centerpiece.
I take it I never saw the first build then? Just how long has Fissure been going Nevz? If it's gone through that many iterations, surely you must have started when H3 was around 6 months old (I guess..?)
I think it was even earlier than that. The original variation had one floor for the entire map, but was aesthetically sound. It was based on controlling the top floor, which was very easier. That was back when H3Customs was V1 to very early V2.
5/5 needs moar interlockinz.. Just joking... But seriously I have played on this map and I had a great time. My favorite part of this map is the sniping, picking up that weapon can be very helpful picking off little nubs.. Nice job on this dude.
It's definitely one of those maps that you can have fun on, as opposed to being completely aesthetic and have bad gameplay. To be honest, Fissure, regardless of which "build" has always been entertaining, especially when we get all the H3C boys together and play a massive CTF or Slayer match!
Thanks dude, gameplay was my focus. I still have budget leftover, and have room for improvement for aesthetics if need be, but nothing to sacrifice gameplay. May I ask which game you played on it?