ForgeHub Review : GOW2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by QKT, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    enjoy :)

  2. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    My name is Drawing and I approve of the above.

    *raises two thumbs up like the Fonz*
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    thanks man
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    sweet review, and nice presentation.
  5. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    And we thought removing post count would reduce the spam. Ha! (who's idea? lol)

    Anyways, on to the review.
    I don't have Gears of War 2 yet, but from what I've heard, it's amazing.
    Single Player, Multi-Player and all.

    I'll defintely be picking this up for the holidays, excellent review.
  6. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    IMO, 5 stars is giving it too much. 4 and 1/2 is the best it should get. It seems to much like a copy of GoW. There wasn't anything ground breaking new. It used the same cover system, implemented a few new weapons and enemies, and the story is good. The style is the same, they (once again) kill Carmine. They removed the Berserkers (which were AWESOME) and they didn't have any kryll moments in the game either. They lowered the power on the shotgun (stupid move). There are a few other things that I'm picky about, but I can't think of them immideatly. Anywho, I'd give it a 9.5/10 or a 4.75/5. It's a great game, but they could have left some things alone.

    Also, I found a spelling mistake.

    "Firstly, most of the weapons ahve received accuracy upgrades to compensate for the larger environments."
  7. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Are you crazy? This game deserves a 10/5. What do you mean it seems like a copy of GoW2? Do you mean GoW1? Hey, if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Duh, they would use the same cover system. It is the best cover system implemented into a video game so far. Berserkers were a waste of life. You make them follow you and then you HoD them. Fun, not.

    Kryll were pretty lame as well. I don't like stepping into shadows and getting eaten alive. They lowered the power of the shotgun because it ruined Epic's original design for the game to be a tactical shooter. The shotgun became God's right hand and that was all people used. I am glad they nerfed it. It still accounts for 29% of the games overall kills, so I still like it.
  8. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I've said it before and I'll say it again, this game is slightly overrated. Sure it's good and all, but after a month or two, it's going to get left behind. I know I stopped playing GoW after a month or so. After you beat it on insane, the fun wears off. It's only a matter of time.

    Edit: Obviously I'm much harsher on games than other people are. I go by my non-biased personal opinion and nothing more.
  9. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    What? You act like you don't like the multiplayer. That is what makes this game and most other games replayable. This games multiplayer and its amazing storyline are they keys for this game to win GOTY. Which, it will. With the including of bots, horde, photos, and other things, Gears 2 won't die anytime soon.
  10. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Actually the Shotgun isnt really "underpowerd" compared to Gears1, its just that the "Spread" of the new one has been minimized, so now your shotgun has to be aimed more at the body than just shooting around the body getting lucky shots like in Gears 1.

    I think you have Gears confused with FArcry2 there good sir.
  11. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    There's no such thing. Opinion and non-biased are inconsistent.

    Furthermore, your opinion is just as good as any, but don't be offended if folks rebuttal your blurted opinion with a blurted opinion of their own. For example:

  12. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    My opinion is made up of what I think the game to be. It doesn't matter how good of an argument you make against me, my thought will always continue to be the same.

    Edit: Also, I rated it a 9.5/10 or a 4.75/5. Read harder. I didn't say anything bad about the cover system, other than you can't blind fire below the height of your cover like you used to. The blind fire shotgun used to be rape. Lastly, I wasn't offended by anyone's opinion, to me, it seemed they wanted to start an argument. I mean, we do have a lot of younger people on this site.
  13. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Juggernaut is right, I loved the first GOW, it was great. I also love the second one, its just they could have added more, and maybe made the story longer.

    They didn't add that many weapons, don't get me wrong, i love the new heavy weapons, an the new pistols, but i would have liked more how do i say "Light Weapons", like the lancer and hammerburst. I was just hoping they would have some awesome new light weapon, instead, i got a semi cool flamethrower and some heavy weapons.

    Also, on the shotgun issue, i am great friends with a die hard gow fan. He has been in multiple clans, and made multiple montages, basically, he's not a noob. He says the power for the shotty has stayed the same, but the fire rate is lower. I do notice the lower fire rate.

    This game oes not deserve a perfect score, i high one, buit not perfect. It just simply wasn't as "ground breaking" as i hoped.
    9.5 is a good score for this game.

    By giving is a 10/10 that means this game has no faults, and is not in nead of improvement.
    This game can improve.

    edit: sorry for the poor quality of the post, and random crap, ima tired nube
  14. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Thank you for stating my opinion in a more organized fashion. It's quite late where I'm at so my mind is mostly a haze. I also wasn't disappointed with the weapons they added, I was disappointed with the lack of variety they implemented. Although I still think the shotty got under powered, I also notice how much slower it shoots too, either that, or enemies have tons more health than they used to. Aside from everything, the game didn't change much, but it took a step in the right direction. I'm enjoying it right now with 4 other friends. I'm not too sure about the multiplayer though because I've only played one or two matches. I'll have to get into that later.
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    its 5 stars but there is an extra star which is for games that are huge which GOW2 doesnt get
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    If you read, it was not your opinion that I debated, but rather, the basis for your opinion. Your first post in this thread suggested that some of the creators' choices for this game were wrong, rather than just something you didn't like. To that end, you had little evidence.

    O RLY?!?!

    Cyber-Owned. *gigglez*

    True. However, your post's general negative connotation leads the reader to infer such. If it is not truth, that is my bad. Also, taking out something like "blind fire shotgun" rape-age seems to add a bit of competitiveness and not...well..."blind fire shotgun-ing." Aaaaaand, I didn't say you were offended.

    I purposed *spits* that as a preemptive *spits* prevention *spits* of possible pissed-off *spits* feelings on your part *spits*.



    Yes, you're absolutely correct! Your friend is absolutely correct! The game's creators have no idea what they're talking about when they say the shotgun's power has been decreased. They're clueless, and his montages grant him Jedi powers.
  17. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    A bit pompous are we? Seriously, stop trying to make this a debate. The game deserves a high rating, but it's not GOTY material or perfect score material. I can't believe a person can't come in, give a rating based on their opinion, and then have a civilized discussion on why they believe so. No. Instead we have people going crazy, trying to prove your every move wrong and trying to make those people who don't follow the "5 Star Crowd" look like idiots. I think I know what I'm talking about when I rate a game since gaming has been half of my life since I was seven years old. I mean, this is seriously becoming B.Net all over again.

    All I'm saying is that the game could have done more. Good story, good weapons, good stuff, just not perfect.
  18. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    This discussion is hardly uncivilized. I wasn't trying to turn it into a debate; it already was. Two people who disagree discuss something- that's a debate.

    Furthermore, I didn't seek to make you look stupid. No one thinks you look stupid, and this is anything but Bnet. I sought to hold my reasoning against yours. In that, you can find no fault. 'Tis a discussion, my friend. In my very first post, I noted that you shouldn't be offended by someone taking the same course of action with his opinion as you took with your own.

    Finally, I did not search for things you mis-stated, and I offer my most sincere apologies, if I came off as a pompous prick. I found an inconsistency simply by reading over your post. By my own standards, contradictions render one's reasoning slightly less valuable. I did nothing but state that as my opinion. However, this has gotten ridiculously off-topic, and we can continue via PM or profile message, if you'd like. G'day.
  19. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    its not perfect score
    thats why the last star isnt filled
  20. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    This is one of the best games I have ever played. Please, tell me if you think otherwise, I would love to tell you why your opinion is wrong.

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