actually i was hopping she'd say that haha. and i will, just as soon as i can get my xbox back, because a certain person whom im not gonna name *points at Toochie* happens to have my xbox. But I will make more stuff in the near future :]
:squirrel_hug: time is much betteeeer....besides, both you and i know i can beat yoh at halo anyday
lol. I'm sorry thats like my dads favorite saying. When ever I wanna do something he says that and it's basically I don't play those games.
I'm sure he wouldn't tell you, he's like a vampire, and the daylight burns him. Regardless that is a very good video, you have a talent. I'm not much of a beatles fan, but I like that song.
I like that video... "For mi Chica Bonita" wazzat? I speak espanol. A bit. Anyway... why not english? Not that it matters, great video!
that vid touched me deeply, that was quite impressive. Now if my gf liked halo i could show her this video and i'd be set, but her + halo does not = brownie points... now if she showed me this vid, she'd get a bonus for sure. haha.
Thanks thats the nickname i call my girlfriend, you've prolly seen her round here, goes by the name of ToochieHxC. it means small and pretty, not that shes like short or anything haha, i just thought it sounded funny, and it kinda stuck, so yeah.