NXE Update is good to go!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Started mah halo and update started for me. Downloading now :)

    Listing time is about 10 minutes, with my connection speed which is pretty average. Much shorter than I thought.

    7 minutes to download, not to to bad bad, opening vid has cool graphics, throws you right into avatars. I'm sure lots of this info is probably out though..

    Avatars are sweet. The customization is great, mine looks just like me. They kick the **** out of Miis...so don't bother saying "If I wanted them I'd just buy a wii"

    My old themes don't seem to work right? Thats weird?

    The in-game "dashboard" thing, you know pressing the centre button to bring your friends list up, yeah thats still slow :( Closes faster, but takes just as long to open. Which sucks cuz it was one of my hopes they fix.

    I invited people to a party who were waiting for the update earlier but left, just to be a **** :)

    All-in-all, I'm satisfied with how quick and painless that was, now how many bugs shall we find?
  2. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I've played around with it. I love the new look and feel. It's what Xbox Live on the 360 was meant to be from day one.

    As for the Avatars, they are fun and interesting but as far as customizing you character, I prefer Mii's. You have so much more control of how you look. They're both lacking in areas.

    I still think they were "stealing" Avatars from the Wii. They aren't really but it feels like it to me.
  3. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    The new guide button is the best thing that ever happened. I don't really like the new dashboard, but II bet it is because I am not use to it. The avatars are useless. They make the xbox feel like a kiddy game system, personally I liked the gamer card and I wish I had an option to chose. The new party system works for the 3 min I was in a party.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Ya I though it would not be so good cuz I'm used to the old one but now I LOVE IT! I have already created my avatar and its tight! It took about 30 mins for mine to download though....:|

    I'm really excited to see other people's avatars.
  6. Myztic

    Myztic Ancient
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    I like the NxE so far, besides the fact that my account EXPIRED TODAY! Of all days! :surprise:mg::cry::surprise:mg:

    Oh well, I'm just a silver now..that doesn't mean I can't go on the dashboard =P But, I can't try that Xbox Party feature though :(

    I love the beginning intro, it is incredible...it just feels more energetic! At first, I thought the avatars were pretty ridiculous, but now I see they are actually pretty cool! Mine looks awesome! :lol:
  7. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    It's alright. I haven't gotten to any of the features yet, but I hope to be able to explore it later when I've got time and when I have some friends on. The avatars are lacking in tons of areas. I couldn't even come close to anything that truly resembled me in any way other than the fact they actually had a silver wedding band. Anyways, I like it. It seems just as easy to explore and you can keep up on news in a simple way too. Although, I don't like that it doesn't show what you've downloaded in the marketplace anymore... Other than a few nit picky things, it looks like it's fine.

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