Will Forge be a feature in Halo Wars? I think itd be cool to Forge a battlefield. Like trees,water formations,rocks,Terrain AND Weather FX would be the ****! This what i think would be cool. Hey maybe this stuff could be in Recons Forge! Think of all the possibilities! Think of a snowy Valhala the snow would acumulate as time progresses.
Microsoft is closing up Ensemble Studios aftr HaloWars. its too bad cause theyre a good solid RTS dev team. its as if all game devs are quitn or gettin da boot from MS.
That would be cool to have some sort of map creation tool. The game is multiplayer right, cause it'd be fun to test your maps out with some buddies and even post maps on Forge Hub or something.
Most RTS's have a map editor built in with them anyway, so chances are we'll have something similar to Forge.
That sounds like it would be awesome. I really like the Weather FX idea thats brilliant. Email bungie!!!!!
the studio pushed the game back a few times... they probably dont meet deadlines, and most likely went over budget a bit. thats probably why they are shutting down.
as long as its a good game i dont honestly care if they got da boot im so gettin that Collectors Edition
The core of the dev team from Ensemble are forming their own company though, and apparently they're going to take up ongoing support and updates for HW. I'd also heard that there were no plans to include an editor on release, but one might be released as a DLC. This could have been more to do with the bad deadline track record that silence mentioned though, and such delays could possibly push an editor off the line up, saving this new company taking up the challenge later on. I remain hopeful though, I really want to edit that game, it looks so beautiful.
I'm assuming that he was talking about Big Team Battle. I personally think that Halo Wars will include a map editor. Not really forge, but an editor. Most RTS games usually have a map editor and I see no reason why this game won't.
its not going to be in halo wars seeing as it is an rpg and not an fps. forging would be pointless. also its not made by bungie so that may be another reason there will not be forge.
uh wah? rts? It's not an rpg..unless they completely remade the game...using a different dev team...than used the same name..lol
Like pegasi said..basically MS disbanded Ensemble, than hired all of their members (well most), back to a sorta, inside but outside owned studio that I believe will be developing exclusives. Whos going to be MS' new bungie?