This is the phone I have now. I love it and has everything I could possibly want. Only problem is that the battery life doesn't last very long. Phone model: Blackberry Curve 8310 Phone carrier: AT&T, and other phone companies.
I want a phone real bad and when I gewt one I really want one of the touch phones. One of the better ones.
They're so much easier though aren't they? I would like a phone with a keyboard though cause I can't text fast.
It's the same thing as a regular phone. Except now you have more fingerprints than normal on your screen, don't have a keyboard with tactile response (usually), and you're usually still stuck with a **** UI.
At this point in my life I don't even care what kind of phone I get. I just want a god damn fricken phone. I've never even owned one. Grrrr.
First one. had for two years: Second and current, had since june, it's a POS and already broke once (not my fault) and what I want: on the touch screen front, the screen clicks in when you press, so it is as close to tactile feedback as you will get with a touch screen. I can't have AT&T (which means no iPhone) so I gotsa settle for the Blackberry Storm.
I have this bad boy: In this color though... Make: Sony Ericsson Model: W580i Phone Company: AT&T I am loving it!
I was thinking of getting that phone, (I previously had a w810i) but decided that i'd try another company for now to see what it's like. I still have mine though. <3
I've already said which phone I kind of want on this thread but did not go intop depth, so if I were to get a phone, which one's the best on the market today and which plan should I get.