[img width=800 height=397]http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2007/346/8/6/Halo_3_forge_map_photomerge_by_Halonut1.png[/img] Current Version:1.5(not yet released) DOWNLOAD Fileshare(ALWAYS will have the latest version) B.net Topic for version 1.6 i plan to just keep upgrading it more and more and adding more of the game types if people come to like it. Description The idea behind it is a simple map(well..describe simple lol) that plays well for close quarters combat, theres no rockets, lasers or anything(i dunno if you'll be happy to know but no maulers as well) that would over power the map, theirs one sniper rifle but thats it. theres also a active camo on "B" side(noted by them ever so helpful signs.) and a over shield on the corner of the balcony. but they spawn 1 minute in, so it isnt a rush to the power ups. theres a lone shotgun on the bridge, but it has only 1 spare clip(still enough to do some damage) and there is a hidden needler...somewhere! (its easy to find, my friend first time he got in the map instantly found it.) but doing whats needed to get it will leave you open. there only thing i am slightly afraid of is everyone just tossing grenades over the sides. i want people to edit this(like remove the wall blocking the two rooms under the bridge) to how they wanna play it. i just set up the basic multi-tiered level thing. Supported Gametypes Currently(version 1.0-1.5) only slayer(both FFA and team.) and Oddball are supported. i am working on supporting CTF and maybe territories. but only if i get good feedback on weapon placement and such. and its forge, so if ya just cant wait for CTF, add some flag spawns. it isnt that hard ^_^. Screens. Overview Overview 2 A side, ground level B side, ground level catwalk, ground teleporter on B side. 2nd story to 3rd story stairwell Sniper tower, view 1 Sniper tower, view 2 IF YOU FIND A BUG/HOLE/WAY TO GET OUT: Please send me a PM on this forum stating the glitch/hole, where it is, a screenshot maybe if possible and a possible way to fix it if you know how, unless its the three holes stated later on in this post. Thanks and recognition will be given at a section of this post. Debugging Help Listed by Gamertag:snootchie17,Tau Strikeforce,Major Joseph(major is one hell of a good nade sticker, btw.) any comments or crit is welcomed. LIST OF BUGS FIXED 3 major holes. Oddball spawning you outside the map(hehehe i forgot to delete the default spawns >_<) Minor gameplay tweaks, removed some grenades.
Re: Training House(Name will change) OMG PUT PICS! wtf makes you think that people are going to download maps or anything without any pictures, common sense! sorry, it just gets me pissed Take a chill pill, bro. If it angers you so, notify a mod, don't start a flame war over pixels. -Lance001
Re: Training House(Name will change) Your not going to get any downloads from any members of Forge Hub without at least 3 good pictures.
Re: Training House(Name will change) Yeah some screenshots would be nice but I figured there would be a better possibility for you to post some if I asked nicely. Unlike others...
Re: Training House(Name will change) i didnt have the time the other day, not a second before i said "oh wait, forgot pictures. i'll hit the edit button" my ride was there. it isnt a excuse. but thats why. so hold on. Pics in first post, cleaning topic. Oh, and i did some testing with two guys i know)snoochie17 and Tau Strikeforce.) and they found a few holes. so please download version 1.5 on my fileshare. UM nevermind, i dunno how. but it got deleted from my fileshare..perfect day already lol.
Re: Training House(Name will change) It looks really good. Obviously, I haven't played it yet, but aesthetically you've got something. I'll queue it for later. Secondly, change your ridiculously long pic urls. Use this: Code: [url=http://www.maj.com/gallery/bioman100/Halo3forge/Traininghouse/15149924-full.jpg]Overview[/url] That shortens the url to whatever you choose to title that picture. It really helps with your map. =D
Re: Training House(Name will change) ah, thanks. i wasnt sure of the code on this forum. working on it now.
Re: Training House(Name will change) A description of the map as well, would work out nicely. Ex: What type of combat, size, weapons, goal, gametypes.
Re: Training House(Name will change) Ok, (sorry. i've been trying to find time to post this thing but i've been busy) Description in first post, cleaning up.
Re: Training House(Name will change) Edit the first post to include your description, fix those two broken hyperlinks, and you've got it, bro. Good job on all the revamping, it's been nice to see someone this dedicated to bringing the best to the table.
Re: Training House(Name will change) heh, the second i fixed them and i refreshed ya posted. OH, since i cant upload the fixed version i will just tell you here, watch out for 3 holes that people can get stuck in, one is in the crack between boxes under the higher stairs. ya get stuck in it most easily but just running to the teleporter, the other is to the left of the stairs leading to the bridge on side b, and the other one is also on side be but its behind the wall on the above part that leads to the active camo. I fixed the first one by shoving a bridge in it, the second by moving the Stairs more to the left, and the third by adding a grave lift into it. if it causes that much problems during playing just do them and it should fix it. i think I'll try to use my crappy satellite DSL(why i don't use live here, 1 second lag and 200 megabyte limit) to upload 1.5. uh forget it..the long ethernet cable i need is back where i use live..so..crap..i'll have to upload it monday. hope you guys understand the fixes for now >_<
Re: Training House(Name will change) Umm... looks great, but its not on your fileshare. I would love to Download it though
Re: Training House(Name will change) Radical, I'm going to lock this for now, since the map cannot actually be downloaded. However, just send me a PM when it's been uploaded, and I'll unlock it and post to bring it back to the top. Have a great weekend! Temporarily unlocked for update.
Re: Training House(Name will change) Um ok the topics still open? Well anyway i will update it this morning(round 9-10 AM Est.) and WITH IT. a new name(because face it, training house sucks..horrible.) the name is now: Training Facility K16. training and facility because i couldnt think of anything ELSE this place looked like. and K16 to difference it. also its my Service tag so..go figure. everyone fine with the name? Bah, its 9:53 AM right now(eastern time) i should be where i can go on live at around 11. GOOD NEWS! Version 1.6 is ready for DL, i did some 1V1 slayer against my pretty good (play wise) friend Major Joseph, he says its pretty good and great ofr CQC, i am only slighty worried about the sentinal beam in the tunnel being too powerful, but since it was a 1V1 and no one went on a rampage or anything i'll leave it be.
Re: Facility K16(Updated, Ready for Download!) Ok i have some basic questions i need answered by anyone who can set up even a 3 on 3 slayer on this. 1:is the sentinal beam too overpowering? 2:what spots on the map are confusing, choke points. etc? 3o snipers dominate on the map?
Re: Facility K16(Updated, Ready for Download!) No problem, just send some feedback, it will help alot! i might try to get a 1v1v1 splitscreen going with my friends today. maybe. Er nope nevermind, ones sick the other is grounded. >_<
Re: Facility K16(Updated, Ready for Download!) Well heres a update, i havent had power for the last 2 days so i couldnt work on this map, but i did get to do a 1v1 slayer with my friend and me and him dont think anything needs changing, had a pretty funny thing happen at the teleport to the balcony, he was up there shooting me, well i had the shotgun, so i went through the teleport and scared(and shot) the hell out of him XD