"All I want for Christmas is..." 1) Wii 2) Gears of War 2 3) Left 4 Dead 4)Mirror's Edge (Maybe) 5) More Xbox LIVE Membership/4000 MS Points 6) New 37" Inche Plasma Screen TV 7) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii) 8) Money 9) New and Awesome Clothes 10) Another Wirelss Headset (I broke 2) = 11) Another Xbox 360 Controller (Wired OR Wireless) 12) Memory Card for Xbox 360 13) I don't know but something good. Yep, I'm now officially set.
Hitman117 plz dont waste your money and time on a Wii. i got one last christmas, it was fun for aybe a month and the week SSBrawl came out then it got childish and boring. plus wii version of Unleashed =sux,lame controls,horrid graphics sorry but i dont like to see someone get disapointd by a wii. lol just today SOCOM Confrontation got horrible reviews and its reportd to have Longest load times in history of videogames. PS3=bad games , good graphics
Ahh thats a good one im getting a echo m4 for my self. COD:WAW Airsoft **** Farcry 2 And hopefully they got a dlc pack for fallout 3 by then.
Are you stupid? Get GOW 2. You can always illegally download the new Rise Against CD on the interwebs.
1. Apple MacBook $1299 2. 32" LCD/HDTV 3. iPod Touch 4. Clothes Obviously I don't expect to get all of that