DoogNitizedv3 (UPDATED) - 12/1/08 DoogNitized Created by Doog Nit (duh!) Download v1 Download v2 (NEW) Download v3 (NEWEST) A skate park made by Doog Nit which features many ramps, rails, bowls, and more! Game Variants Featured: Download "SpeedSkate" (NEW) Download "Sketchy Skating" (NEWEST) Description: This skate park was inspired by all other skate parks made on Forge Hub. I first thought they were awesome, but then realized that they didn't really "look" like skate parks. So I decided to take it upon myself to make a skate park that resembles one near my neighborhood in real life. There are an infinite number of tricks you can possibly do, but for the basics, there are 2 bowls, 2 quarter pipes, a half pipe, 2 rails, one set of stairs, and my favorite, wheelie machine (You'll understand that later) The main concept of the map is for fun and when you have nothing to do on halo. Like when you have hour long stick battles with your online friend in the Blue Room. Yes, I know you have done it. lol. Ok so let me explain the Wheelie Machine. I believe I'm the first one to do this, but correct me if I'm wrong. Ok so what I did is put a door in the skate park floor at the exact angle where you can ramp onto, but not over, the door. So what you do is you keep driving forward while on the door and turn right or left. Once you are off the side of the door, you should either fail or, well, do a wheelie! It works about 90% of the time if you do it correctly. I have made a game variant for the map called "SpeedSkate". (Credit goes to Blue Pariot for coming up with the idea). It is basically the same thing as rocket race but by yourself with obviously just a mongoose. You can find it at the top of the post, but I'll put it here as well. There are a total of 7 Go To Points placed strategically all around the park. There is one honor rule and that is no one can get out of his/her mongoose. If you see someone jump or walk into a Go To Point to get the point, they are to be immediately booted. Make sure to mention the honor rule before the game starts so everyone is informed correctly. Download "SpeedSkate" Another game variant I created when making v3 is called "Sketchy Skating". Why sketchy? I don't know. It was one of the only words with "sk". So here's how it's played. First of all, there are 3 rounds and the time limit is set to 3 minutes. Everybody has 1 life. The zombie's traits are as follows: Shields are at 10% Decay Limited Ammo 50% Speed 50% Gravity No Vehicle Use Plasma Pistol and Energy Sword 10 Meters of Enhanced Radar The humans' traits are as follows: 300% Damage Resistance 25% Speed 200% Gravity Full Vehicle Use 90% Shield Regeneration Speed Magnum Start 0% Damage No Radar The goal of the zombie is to neutralize the humans' mongooses until it can get close enough to slash them with the sword. Since the zombie has limited ammo, it must conserve its ammo. If it runs out of ammo, it has to wait for the custom powerup to spawn (60s respawn; Does not spawn at start). The custom powerup gives the zombie infinite ammo and a full shield. After the 30 seconds is up, all ammo is back to regular status. The goal of the humans is either to survive for 3 minutes or if any of them are brave enough, kill the zombie. The only two ways of killing it are either to assassinate it or splatter it. The zombie's shields do go down as time passes, but you need quite a bit of momentum behind you to splatter it. Also if you get close enough, the zombie might decide to kill you instead. Since the zombie has 10 meters of enhanced radar, assassinating it isn't an easy task either. regeneration for 30 seconds Anyway, the focus was for fun and I think I nailed it here. Make sure you DL and rate one the top and if you think the map is good enough, maybe even give me some positive rep! Thanks for checking the map out, have fun! Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Special Thanks voodoo for the Forge Hub Post Generator Blue Pariot for coming up with the idea of "SpeedSkate" Draw The Line for giving me some tips on v3. LadiesMan20007 and ShearMe for helping with the "v3 main pic" (1st Pic up top) Here's some pics of the map itself. (Updated for v3) Overview 1 Overview 2 Back View New 2nd Bowl Vehicle/Human Spawns New Wheelie Machine Spectator's Box Teleporter Spectator's Box and New Railing Placement All 7 NEWEST Go To Points MAPS Download DoogNitized v1 Download DoogNitized v2 (NEW) Download DoogNitized v3 (NEWEST) GAME VARIANTS Download SpeedSkate (NEW) Download Sketchy Skating (NEWEST)
first comment Hooorah! It looks pretty good made well, looks like you used all of it too. One bad thing i think is that its cramped togeter
I've seen skate parks and your not the first but this has to be the best one i've seen.The stairs and the pyramid i'v never seen before.You put a lot of creativity in this map and its probably fun to fool around in.Nice work
Well I did do that purposely. I wanted to make it look like an actual skate park and it definitely does. The halo skate parks are cool too, but they are a bunch of random jumps and grinding rails. So I decided to make one that actually looked like a skate park
wow Doog. You've out done yourself again. THis looks amazing! Perfectly interlocked, amazing aesthetics, Amazingly smooth. Ima download and play right noa! Again, you outdid yourself! Have a skate comp. and if you'd like i will be willing to make a skate video for this =] Amazing! 5/5 =D
wow what a great start. I can tell this is your first skate park well that's my guess. I can see you have some great potential in skate parks. I can see you tried very hard. I like the wheely ramp that's pretty cool. But other whys its pretty cramped up. But your off to a great star!!
nice map, probably the best skate map i've seen so far. i like how everything connects (watch someone report this post too for no reason)
WOW. this looks insane. the interlocking looks so well done. how long did it take u to make this man. this is soooo!!!!! cool. im am truly impressed. u are a master forger. well done 5/5
Awesome! I wasn't too sure if you'd like it I thought I remember you saying you didn't like skate parks in the ShoutBox. Maybe it was someone else, but anyway thank you! And lemme know if ya wanna do that skate video thing that would be awesome if I could be in it! Yea definitely my first time makin this kind of thing so hopefully it works out. If I get enough DLs though I'm planning on making a v2 with AWESOME ideas - one of them being a loop-de-loop that looks aesthetically pleasing (Not Man Cannons and shield doors everywhere) Thanks for the comment though - since you've made one yourself you're obviously someone I'd want to impress so that's awesome! Why do you say that? (The report thing) Thanks a lot man I've seen some of your maps as well and you are quite a master forger yourself! Thanks for the recognition! To everyone who's commented so far, thanks a lot and I hope you enjoy! Also, for the second time, I meant to make it clumped together because that's how skate parks actually are. That was my main focus on this one so please don't see it as a bad thing. It was meant to be that way. Thanks to everyone who has and will DL! EDIT: It took me about a couple days.
Finally! I've been waiting for someone to create a realistic skate park for centuries! Anyway, on to my real post: Your skate park will be the first one that I will have actually kept (I deleted all of the others due to their unrealism / randomness). I love your wheelie machines, they're great fun. The layout of your park is awesome, with great interlocking (your pool and a few of the ramps could use more walls etc. to create rounder curves) and new features (the pyramid). I love just driving around on this map when I don't want to play any slayer games or can't get a party going. It's like a pregame lobby! You should make a series of skate parks modeled after the skate parks of the communities of people who send you pictures of their own skateparks. That would be awesome.
180th post! woot! insane dood. just insane. this is by far the best skate park ever made. it looks extremely well done and and exicuted perfectly. the way u put up the mongeese to look like hanging skate boards is really cool. u made it actually look like a skat park. congratz. the perfect interlocking makes me one hot little potatoe. this should be featured. 11/10. keep up the amazing map making. bottom line- deffinate DL!!!!
Dude. I am speechless. I rarely comment on maps, but how can I not comment on this forging masterpiece. I have never seen a skatepark so well built. If your skatepark looked like Megan Fox and she was using birth control, I would bust nuts in your map all day long! The interlocking is near perfect and that is something to say for it being floating. The rails actually look like rails you would find near stairs or at a skatepark. Your bowls look flawless. I might actually stop playing GoW2 to play this map. You, sir, have secured a spot on my hardrive forever with this amazing map. Great job. You are a skatepark forging GOD!
Wow, just wow, someone needs to get scarfaced in here because he needs to look at this before making his third skate park. This is excellent I like how its all conected. Also your grind rail is amazing. Incredible job on this map 5/5 I am seing feature...
Thanks man it sounds like this map was a success! lol to say the least! I'm glad to see you're going to keep it that makes it mean that much more and thanks a bunch for the compliments on the interlocking/features Oh also that idea might not be that bad of a plan. I might just do that......hmm...well if I do end up doing that, I'll post something in the forge discussion or something like that. 11/10 lol. Best skate park ever made....I think I like that title but yea back to the post - awesome feedback you pretty much noticed all the key features/focuses of the map. 12/10 on your post? XD Wow. Amazing reply man I swear I've never had this much inspiration to forge new things since this site. It's posts like these that pretty much make these maps. Without these posts, I'd probably wouldn't be forging anywhere near as much. Weird cycle huh? Anyway, thanks a lot man you obviously really like the map and if you're a GoW guy that should make the criticism level even higher so if you even like it a little bit that's an accomplishment for me. The fact that you're gonna keep it on your hard drive and have named me a skate park god, means a lot to me to say the least so thank you, and enjoy! Yea the railings were one of the main things that brought this map to be. Those and the wheelie machines. Hopefully if scarface does see it he'll reply as well he's one of the people who inspired me to make this map (obiviously with his skate park) Hopefully the Forge Hub staff feels the same about the feature
The first thing i said when i saw that overview was: Woah! Kick Ass! And i am right! the map is incredibly fun to play on, and that wheelie idea was just original-smartness! The bowl/stairs/whole thing was made marvolusly, and very smooth. 6/5, this kiks ass.
best skate park EVAR. you definitely put in the hours on this one; its clean, innovative and addictive. just an idea, if you made a slayer varient for this, it would make an amazing ffa map as well. i cant wait to play battle-tracks on this. and CAN haz reconz ;D
Thanks for the good feedback, and lol I got a 11/10 and a 6/5 yay! Yay! The "Best skate park ever" title is becoming quite the statement for this map thanks the good review though - I might make a slayer variant, but it's doubtful. The main focus for the map was fun/mongooses. If I do it'll be some time this week.
Wow, this is definently the best skate park ever made in halo. It really resembles a real skatepark like ones I see around town. I especially like how you made the rails. 5/5 and +rep
I just played on this map. My mouth seriously dropped open when I started the game up. It was amazing. I still have the game up right now, but I took a break from bustin' some mad tricks to post again on this thread to tell you that the map is amazingly fun to play. I like the addition of the grav-lift. Now, I can do backflips The wheelie machines work perfectly everytime! I even like going around the skatepark on a ghost! Once again, great job on the map and it honestly deserves a feature. I also noticed some geo-merging Good job on that. +rep and a reccomendation for a feature.