ZICRON This is my second actual map post with pictures so they might be small but the map is very good. It has good interlocking and geo-merging which is usually good for game play. Made by Super Jerk777 helped by B1G J 187. Used for CTF and Team slayer. Thanks for all the testers 4 this map and B1G J 187 Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Like you stated the pics are a bit too small but from what I can see the map looks very well built. It looks very clean and seems as if FFA gameplay might be an advantage to this map. Nice Work.
I find something very funny in your description. "It has goo interlocking and geo-merging which is usually good for gameplay." Interlocking and geomerging does not automatically make good gameplay. Strategically placed geomerges and interlocks make gameplay. If you have geomerges and interlocks you cant say the gameplay is automatically good.
It appears you don't know how to correctly embed screenshots; please visit here for a tutorial. As stated previously, the screenshots are too small. Anyway, from what I can tell, the map seems very unique and creative. Your map looks well forged as well as interesting. Nice work.
From the very small pictures,I can see you have a nice well made map and all the geomerging is neat.Your pics should be allot bigger and give more detail
Ha ha, that made me laugh... Really really made me laugh. Since you don't understand the importance of pictures on this forsaken sight of Top-Quality maps. But hey what do I care... Just try to make your pictures larger for the rest of us. Because I do look around for maps, I do look around for quality. And if I can not clearly see your pictures I will most likely misinterpret everything on your map. Just because of the small pictures...
There's both positive and negative results when viewing the map in a larger resolution. I think the reason your screens were small were because when you saved them to your computer from Bungie.net, you clicked on the preview and saved. Instead, click the link to the screenshot on B.net and view as the larger version, then save it to your computer. Other than that, you embeded it correctly, just in a small resolution. I could be wrong though. Alright here's your map, in a larger resolution.
I must say thanks to Bahh. I can now see the map quite clearly and it has alot of good features. anyone up for a wuick flag game on this?
thanks for the big pics, bahh. anyway. the map looks pretty good. could be cleaner. the sniper path looks cool. it looks alright for FFA maybe. i cant get a sigle gametype it would be good for. usually a map is made around a single game types. nice interlocking/geo merging. over all 4/5
This map is really good. Everything is placed really clean, and is really aesthetically pleasing. I like how there's not really much new or unique stuff but it's still badass. 5/5
Woah this map actually looks pretty good, is there a way out the back? cause in one of the pics it shows a huge hole in the wall around the outside and i was wondering if that got blocked off or what? from the pics 4/4.8 looks really good nice interlocking skills keep forging!
grrr its almost the exact name as one of my maps which is called Zycon, see very little difference Zycon-Zicron ok anyways it looks good and all but it does look a tiny bit to open and breakable but I don't maybe I'm wrong but didnt you post this earlier before you knew how to post the pics
Thanks, Bahh for putting up BIGGER pics. Dude, I have even gave you a link last time you posted a map and your pics are still small. Wow. Well thanks to Bahh's help, I can now see the map better. It looks kinda good but the design is kinda plain. I check it out in a bit. Pleasae consider making your map pics bigger next time.
I like what I see in the pics, problem is, I don't see much in the pics. Use photobucket.com, it will automatically enlarge your pics for you. Re-post the pics and I'll look again
from what i can see the map looks very good. I cant really see much though. Just fix those pics plz 4/5
Try photobucket for picture uploads. I really can't say anything about the map through this lack of pics and description. Oh wait. Someone above me posted the pics big. Good man. Looks very clean, but a bit open? Not much tall cover. Just short geo-merged boxes. Moar coverz!!
Thanks, for the larger pics, Bahh (I'm like the 8th person to say that lol). The map, is very good. 4/5. Nice job. Creative layout, nice aesthetics, and just a generally solid map. It's pretty darn good. Nice job.
of course it doesn't affect gameplay. they're pictures, but no one can see what your map is. and also try to refrain from double posting