Rack Ones Brain

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DimmestBread, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Rack One's Brain
    By DimmestBread

    Number of Players: 2
    Recommended gametype: The one I give you

    Download Rack One's Brain
    Download Doubles

    After all of my trouble, here is the doubles puzzle map that I have been working since about may. I had great Ideas but I needed the unlimited budget glitch for it to work. This puzzle tests your ability to give a partner something he needs, work together, and to work alone. This map must be played with 2 people, no more and no less. There are two ways to lose. One way is if you just can't finish it. The other way is if player 1 dies, he will spawn on player 2's side and you won't be able to complete the puzzle. You must use the given gametype to play. Theres not much more I can say other than good luck because it's pretty tough.

    ** Each Player Must Be On The Same Team!!!

    The scoring is set so you both have to pick up the oddball to win. It is set to lowball settings where you each have to have one point to win. You must be on the same team or the game may not work. You start out with swords and you have no starting grenades, as well as infinite ammo. Other than that, nothing else has changed in the gametype (or at least to my knowledge it hasn't).

    Here are the pictures. They are in no particular order. There are hints above each set of pictures.

    One can see, One can not,
    Be his eyes, it helps a lot.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    The same or different, whatever you make,
    Both require different paths to take.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    Together you have been so far,
    Now work alone to escape the jar.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    One be thrower, one be shooter,
    Make the sound of a locust boomer.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    Find the thing your looking for,
    Then push and hit it under the door.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    In identical rooms you are,
    Different ways out to go afar.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    See each other, then give him a gift,
    Then give yourself a giant lift.
    Player 1
    Player 2

    Here we are, we won at last,
    All of our troubles are locked in the past.
    Player 1 and 2

    Just In case you missed the download links above, here they are again.
    Download Rack One's Brain
    Download Doubles

    Thanks to everyone who helped and tested. Please express your views, tell me stuff I can improve on, and post if you finish it for sure. Have fun.
    #1 DimmestBread, Nov 17, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    looks fun. theyre arent very many puzzle maps that let you have two people. most of the puzzles i cant figure out from the pics so that must mean its a pretty good challange! the coor puzzle i can see what to do from the mics and thats a really good idea, ive never seen most of the obsticles done so far. ill tell you what i think once i get someone to play it with.
    5/5. if u make more 2 player puzzle maps, thatd be aewsome.
  3. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    This is weird.I was in your party a few mins ago and you were away and it had this map up.I was like,"what is this?".From the pics it looks great and i always download puzzle maps.I'm going to play it now
  4. atc cvhawley

    atc cvhawley Ancient
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    what i see so far looks good but your pictures need to show more of the map it show all the rooms but it dont show enough, there like all in tight spaces
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Well, the rooms are quite tight, but there are a lot of things in the rooms that I don't want you to see because since you have pictures of every room, you could probobly figure it out much easier.
  6. jeten94

    jeten94 Ancient
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    Cant wait to try i really like the idea of a two person puzzler. no probles i can see over all great map me and solo are going to finsh it very fast i think. the only proble i could see is it is looks too easy
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    its not too hard because I couldn't find people to test and had to do it myself and I absolutely suck at doing puzzles even if I know how to. But some of them I think would be hard.

    PS. Post back when you finish and link me to the video, I want to make sure you finished it as I intended or if I need to change something.
  8. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Hehe love the rhymes. These have been done before but not quite like this. I'll get back with you after i beat it.
  9. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Hey nice map cant dl got banned from xbox for forging lol how ironic, but it looks great! i have absolutely no idea what to do thats good! ok 4.5/4.8 cause its pretty awesome but there are longer ones out there but heaps awesome work dude keep forging!
  10. Possessed Goat

    Possessed Goat Ancient
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    I love puzzle maps, and this type sounds interesting :D I am definitely downloading.

    O btw, nice rhymes

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
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    sooo.... how long did it take u to make ur little rhyming sceme. the map looks ok and is one of the first i have seen with 2 peple to complete a puzzel. nice idea.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'm really good at making rhyming poetry for english and crap like that so it only took me about 30 minutes to make the rhymes. THanks.
  13. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    spawn point break you kill partner the stay still on spawn point and uhhhh they spawn in ???? random spot on map i did this with my friend and budget glitch go him out lols :p anyways i love 2 people mazes
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    fixed it yesterday. I was already aware. New gametype turns friendly fire off.
  15. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    This looks like a great puzzle map. I'm gona dl for sure and hope my friend gets online soon. I'll try and get back to you after we beat it, no promises though.
    P.S. the rhymes are awesome, in fact it probably makes the puzzles more interesting.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Good luck because nobody (to my knowledge) has finished it.

    major necro post?
  17. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    So after playing I have decided that this map is AWESOME! I give it a 5/5, and my friend gives it a 5/5. It was probably the best two person puzzle map I have seen. The challenges weren't too hard (once you figured out what to do), but very fun and entertaining. But during our second time completing the puzzle I came a cross a problem, at the sniper part with the plasma grenades. I won't say it in this post but I can send it to you in a pm if you want. Once again I have to say this map is very fun and challenging. Thanks for making this, look forward to future maps by you!
  18. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    I just finished it with my friend =P
    and "major necro post" IDK what that means.
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    yeah there are a couple problems, you can post it in this thread.

    necro post is when the thread hasn't been posted in for a while but it doesn't really matter as this is a map.
  20. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    So the problem is when the guy gets to the part with the Beam Rifle, if you use the turret and rip it off you can shoot the wire spool off the teleporter then go through.

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