this is my final v of cut throat weapons 1 laser 1 rocket 1 sword 1 sniper 2 assult rifles 4 smgs 2 malers 2 spikers 2 neederlers 2 magnums 1 shot gun equitment 10 plasma 6 granades 2 fire bomb 2 power drain 1 trip mine 1 over sheild this map supports every gametype recomended: team slayer, assult, ctf, team terrtores, vip not recomend oddball, juganurt here are sume pictures This map is fun my freinds have played it and they think it would be great : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Have fun
I think this map has some great potential, but for now, the execution is just a little under achieved. If you don't already, you should learn how to merge things with Foundry's geometry. It's pretty hard to do, but trust me the results are outstanding. This map ain't bad, but it definitely has its flaws. For instance: There are 5 power weapons in the map. Foundry Competitive maps can usually only hold about 2 or 3 without being unsuccessful. I do like the layout though it looks pretty original in my opinion so I think once you figure out all the goodies in forge, you should make a v2. I'll DL to tell you a little more about it in a while. Sorry for the bad news man, but for now, it's a 3.5/5. EDIT: Just played it and it was as expected so same rating dude. My advice is to try and cut down on the weapons/equipment that people try and rush for (Ex. Overshield, Rockets, Sword) and use geo-merging. Peace out!
ok 1st thing learn how to spell and use proper grammer (no offence) secondly if u say u can geo merge why didnt u do it the map seems way to overpowered with a rocket splaser sword sniper maulers and a shotgun even though u said this is the last version i suggest giving it one more shot without so many power weapons and geomerging overall 2.5/5 take in the suggestions we give u
umm he did geomerge, in the 2 pics you can see that the box is ever so slightly merged. secondly this is v3 not v3, as tho im pretty sure that you stole the name because this isnt the cut-throat i remember. thirdly i think that the map deservers more than a 2.5/5, maybe 3.5 because from the pics i can see it took you a while to make this. good job however the pics show some less thought out and more sloppy aspects. maybe next time try to be more neat when you interlock and dont rush your self.
Alot of stuff could be cleaned up on this. It's good though that you obviously thought before you built, just didn't build that well. 3.5/5
This map looks vey fun and makes foundry feel big,But I thing u could do more like some geomergingbut overall very nice layout.I just hope all the power weapons aren't too much and that you placed them in fair spots
OMG!!111!!!! looks dull for the first three pics but the others which show the structure are amazing. You have a great scenery with the houses and the interlocking. the fourth pic i was astonshied right then and knew this map is good. Too bad your not making V4. Good day sir and keep forging
I see this map as a great aesthetic map with power weaons everywhere. This could be very fun to play on but i dont see very good potential gameplay for team slayer. Nice job tho
looks ok. at least u, oh wait , no u didnt interlock. you might want to go and check that out. are there any vehicals on the map... if not then what good is the laser. the gamplay seems somewhat fun but a little repetative. what gametype whould you prefer on the map? pritty good job btw
i will make v5 for the fans but im going to change a lot of the things in the map like structures, weapons, spawn spots, and so on