This post is so ****ing dumb I don't know where to start. First of all, making maps shouldn't be about skill, everyone should be able to access it. Whenever I see a map on foundry, I can see they've tried to make it look good...but it never will, foundry is ugly, the object set is ugly AND everything is an annoyance to use. You're just another obsessed fanboy who can't accept Halo has passed its time. Forge is inferior in almost every way, there is no point trying to argue for it.
So your saying that if I go into FarCry and put together a map in 5 minutes it will automatically be better than any Forged map? You sounded a little like SpecOPsGrunt here I only play Halo (or any other video game) on the weekends. Believe me, I have a lot better things to do. I also don't know how you can tell me that I am an obsessed fanboy when your the one who has 700+ posts on a Halo oriented website. On a final note: I'm not trying to argue with anyone here. Its an opinion. No matter what kind of language you throw at me I'm not going to change my opinion. Honestly, you don't scare me at all. Also, If you want to complain about ugly Halo maps, do it on FarCry Hub.
The only half valid point, the rest was just trying to make yourself look better. No, I never said that. I said it is easier to make better maps.
Yes, better looking maps but I think that the gameplay on Forged maps are better than FC2 maps. It is a personal choice, though. Some people prefer the Halo 3 style of gameplay. I am one of those people. Creativity is also an issue. Some may argue that FC has endless amounts of creativity but Halo 3 has its on aspects of creativity as well. Everyday people are submitting maps that have their own stlye of creativity. I am settling on: Forge is greater than or equal to the Far Cry Editor
What a sensible idea. Let us create debates based solely off of opinion. There are some points you could make arguing against different features that make it more accessible or easier to navigate, but it all comes down to opinion.
I believe this is the debate section. If I wanted to have a conversation I would have went into any of the discussion forums. I'm not saying that FC's editor sucks and that Halo 3's editor is better then anything because it's not. FC definitely has a better design when it comes to editing but I like the ability to create the many things that Forge allows you do. Also, in a debate you need facts. Its kind of hard to debate on such a topic as "Is the Far Cry Editor better than Forge?" because it is more of an opinion based subject rather than a factual subject. For example, if we were arguing about who would make a better president I would give facts to support my belief. I would tell you how McCain's economic plans are better than Obama's (not that I would say that). However, on such topic as this you need facts. Facts are real things that people said or did and since Halo 3 and Far Cry are video games you can have no facts, unless you are saying that a specific person made a specific map. You can, however, compare FC maps to H3 maps. That is about the closest way you are going to get to persuading people that the FC editor is better than Forge.
FarCry2's is the better editor, it has more items, easier to use and has more features, just because you like the gameplay of one, doesn't make it better. Let me put it this way, if the editors were swapped, which would you prefer?
Dude above me, are you a slow typer or what, like he said, its a matter of OPINION, if someone likes the gameplay of one more than the other, that makes it better, to THAT person, so, that makes it a matter of opinion.
Dude I'm quoting, I read it already, but it is a damn fact that FarCry's is better. If this was all based on opinion it wouldn't be in the debate section. Gameplay has nothing to do with it. Learn to read.
Far Cry2 is not a map editor. It is a map creator. The possibilities are pretty much infinite. Forge is pretty awkward to use and much more time consuming. I don't have FC2 but I've played it at a friends house. The map creator is easily superior to forge. One thing I want to say though is that forge takes a lot more dedication and skill compared to the FC2 map creator.
This isn't really a debate point so much as a question. That question being, WHAAAAT? It's a game. I don't play anymore, but Forge is very limited. Of course, it's very fun to break through some of these limits, but overall I expect that FC2's ease of use map creator is a significantly better alternative.
i must say if your looking for an easy map editor forge has to be it because when i played farcrys editor it is very hard at first although it is fun to mess around with and make cool maps i personally like forge because that actually takes skill and creativity when farcrys map editor is more for people who want to do over the top things without much effort
You can make anything you want... You can rearrange the basic buildings and set something up quick, but you can also use basic building things, like a cement block, and make anything, but you have to individually figure out how it would be possible to make your map. You have figure out completely on your own how to setup the "tools," as you say to make your map. Every map is built a different way, and is something completely different. The vast difference between maps makes it so it's always exciting to see something new. There is no limit to the new things that can be discovered and created with it. While you saw some originality and things in Halo as you went, "Cool he made a hill," in Far Cry, you will find things you never imagined, something that only that person could think of, and you never thought was possible. Every map you play you discover something new, you can make stuff so cool that rather than saying "Cool he made a hill," people will say "Holy S---! Look what he made!" You can make minigames or race maps if you want to. The Far Cry editor just takes a little more practice and skill to use if you truly want the ability to make anything. Once you figure it out though, you should be able to make the minigames easily. There will probably be a minigame tutorial at some point after the Far Cry section is finished. As for the gameplay, the maps that come with the game aren't too good, except for a few, like Last Bastion and Dirty Work, so you have to find or create maps that are designed in such a way that they'll create gameplay you'll enjoy. If you get good with the editor, you'll be able to adjust the gameplay such that it will be the perfect map for you to enjoy. Besides the maps though, the only other two differences in gameplay are the classes and the lack of shields. If you like Call of Duty games, to which the game is very similar, you'll enjoy it with the right map. It's not very different from Halo. To some extent it is actually easier. You can post your maps to an ingame server and pick the screen for it, so people get a preview of what it looks like. In Halo, you could only pick maps to download on your computer, and only 8 at a time. In Far Cry, you can look through them on your computer, or in game, and once you get back to the game (if on the computer) you can download as many as you like. Also, it integrates each map in with the original ones (rather than having them as variants), which seems to allow you to have as many as you like, so long as you have space on your hard drive. And, you can't steal maps, because it shows the original creator; this also resolves issues if someone accusing you of stealing, since you can tell who the original creator really was. It takes a lot more skill to make a Far Cry map. This is why some people are even saying some things like minigames can't be done in Far Cry. I've played a Far Cry minigame someone made before, and have an idea for one I'll make. It is more a work of art, since you can actually make it look and play very close to the map idea you have in your head. In Halo your stuck with those boxes, making your map basically the same as everyone elses, which is why something slightly different is considered impressive in Halo. With Far Cry it's possible to make better maps, and as a result far better maps are made. There aren't these little glitches you have to use to make something, instead you have to figure out the techniques required to make that cool map you thought of. It can many times take longer than forge, since there's so much more to do, but when you look back at what you created, and how close it really is to what you wanted to be, it's really cool.
These discussions / debates are totally pointless. I laugh at everything i read here, so incorrect. Hey look! An apple and an orange. Apples are better because i like apples.
Well, its obvious that Far Cry allows you to do more, and thus is probably better, but to be honest, its harly an achievement. Forge was new, but with Far Cry...and develeper can copy an idea then improve it, not hard.