Protector v2 Map Title: PROTECTOR Fight your way up the ladder. Download Protector v2: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Weapon set: - Battle Rifles - SMG's - Assault Rifles - Shotguns - Plasma Rifles - Gravity Hammer - Covey Carbine - Sentinal Beam - Spiker - Mauler Powerups: - Active Camo - Radar Jammer - Overshields - Bubble Shield - Trip Mine Grenades: - Frag - Spike - Plasma Edit* This is now version 2 of Protector. Changes include Fence Box on balcony removed and replaced by slanted roof wall,and items added to balcony to prevent crouch jumping or grenade jumping out of the map. There is now absolutely,positively no way out of the structure. I've added 1 new pic of these changes. Description: This is Protector. I got the inspiration for this map from the movie The Protector starring Tony Jaa. In one of the nastiest fight scenes ever filmed(because of the fact that it isn't edited,just a continuous fight) Tony Jaa has to fight his way up multiple floors of a building to reach his destination. Slowly,floor by floor he fights until he makes it. Check out the scene for yourself: Now imagine a Forged level consisting of 4 floors. Each floor gets bigger as you go up,almost like a reversed pyramid. Defenders start on the basement level and Attackers start on the roof. Attackers must make their way down the building,steal the flag and fight their way back to the top. This is Protector. It has 4 unique floors to do battle in. Each floor is designed differently to provide a sense of change(although this is Foundry,so looks are limited) as you move up or down. Floor 1 - Basement. It houses the defenders base,turret, and an additional service room with a few powerups and weapons laying around Floor 2 - Transition Room. Mainly a room to start the battle in and grab a few grenades and whatnot. Floor 3 - War Room. There's plenty of cover and a few good weapons on this level. Lots of corners to peek around and angles to exploit. This level also features a balcony with visual access of the roof if you jump on the crates. This can help you gain a perspective as to where players are and relay that info to your teammates. Floor 4 - Roof. You're in trouble if you let the attackers get your flag this far. The roof has plenty of weapons,grenades,a turret,active camo and lots of corners and walls to use for cover. Not sure where the flag score area is? Just follow the blinking yellow light. That's the basic layout of the map. This map is set up for all gametypes. However, One flag is recommended. I haven't tried it but I assume a few good custom variants like In The Shadows would work great. Pics?? Ok here ya go. New setup on balcony
I like how you included (in your 6th picture) me getting beat down by you with the flag.. Gee.. thanks for that buddy! haha! Anyways, I can't really say anything bad about this map, It was awesome to watch this map be built from the ground up, And it feels good to know that even a talented forger like yourself is still humble enough to ask advice and bounces ideas off other forgers. So all in all this is an awesome map.. Anyone who might have doubts about this map.. Just download it and try it out, it's great for close quarter battles and just a really cool and different feel to it.
You are the man. And thanks again for running through a 1v1 flag match with me. It was actually pretty damn strategic, seeing as its pretty hard for the defender to get back if he dies. You gotta be very cautious.
I really like this idea; however, I'm a little worried from the pictures that there could be a few bumps and corners for people to get caught on. I'm interested, so i'm downloading.
Looks like you put a lot of work into this, kind of reminds me of the map Depot, but a little better since you used Interlocking.
I interlocked everything except the wall floors. My reasoning for this is....well...I am lazy. No,just kidding. The size,shape,and height of the floors made it hard to set them so I went with the "jam them close together" method. There's a few small gaps,but they are hardly noticable and the rest of the floors are interlocked perfectly so they run smooth.
DL-ing. ill get back to ya Creeping, probably sometime after 4:20...which isnt necessarily at 4:20, but more of just when i get back from running errands.
Good job with this dude. Two things I love: indoor maps and team strategy. Glad to see you've incorporated both for my liking. I'll download this and give a shout, but I'm sure you've worked everything to perfection (or close to it). Payce. -roh
You're not SUPPOSED to get outside, however there is a way explained at the bottom of the description. I took the pic just for viewing sake,no real purpose.
It shouldn't be a might, it should be a must! This map is intense close quarter action and fun for the whole family! DL and lemme know what you think. The screen shots hardly do it justice since it's so hard to get a good pic inside the rooms.
You know thats not Stoopid Monkey from Robot Chicken right? That's actually the evil monkey living in Chris' closet on Family Guy.
wow. job well done. from aesthetics and pretty much everything there is to interlock being interlocked, to uniqueness, and replay-ability. My favorite floor was the bottom one, i loved the turret room and just the overall kinda winding layout of the first floor. The 2nd was smaller than i expected, but thats just just call it the beatdown room. I liked how they progressively got larger like you said, with more and more space to do battle in up top rather than at the bottom, kinda the reverse of traditional maps... i like it. id love to play some objective games on it sometime to see how it is scaling the floors with the flag or bomb. Spawns looked solid, but i didnt really scrutinize. You continue to impress me homie...keep it up
Yes im aware that this is the monkey from Family Guy.. (Never even seen the stoopid monkey on Robot Chicken) Thanks for taking the time to check out my monkey tho.. LoL Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Okay, enough off topic discussion. Damn, this looks so much better than my map. 'specially since yours isn't bumpy.